Home Cats 13 Photos That Prove Cats Are Excellent Comedians While Remaining Sublime

13 Photos That Prove Cats Are Excellent Comedians While Remaining Sublime

13 Photos That Prove Cats Are Excellent Comedians While Remaining Sublime

Felines know how to stay smart while flaunting their comedic talents. As these pictures prove.


Cats are real comedians. They make us laugh with every step they take. Their special character is that they do not lose any of their smart side while doing something, or almost.

Here are 13 pictures of cats that express their clownish side but still have class.

1. One step in the snow was enough for this cat to change his mind and go home

Illustration of the article: 13 pictures that prove that cats are excellent comedians, while remaining sublime

2. Fights between cats sometimes take a slightly blurry turn

Illustration of the article: 13 pictures that prove that cats are excellent comedians, while remaining sublime

3. The chef decided to go on strike and take the kitchen utensils hostage

Illustration of the article: 13 pictures that prove that cats are excellent comedians, while remaining sublime

4. The ground is not really to his taste, so he prefers to cling to the walls

Illustration of the article: 13 pictures that prove that cats are excellent comedians, while remaining sublime

5. It is certainly possible to sit on the small hammock, but it is also possible to get under it

Illustration of the article: 13 pictures that prove that cats are excellent comedians, while remaining sublime

6. At night, the kitchen becomes the cat’s exclusive territory

Illustration of the article: 13 pictures that prove that cats are excellent comedians, while remaining sublime

7. He steals her food and shows up with her booty in his mouth without any remorse

Illustration of the article: 13 pictures that prove that cats are excellent comedians, while remaining sublime

8. The absence of food on the table does not please him very much.

Illustration of the article: 13 pictures that prove that cats are excellent comedians, while remaining sublime

9. The gifts for the child are of course to the cat’s taste.

Illustration of the article: 13 pictures that prove that cats are excellent comedians, while remaining sublime

10. His owners think he might have fashion experience.

Illustration of the article: 13 pictures that prove that cats are excellent comedians, while remaining sublime

11. The cat is fascinated by the plastic crow

Illustration of the article: 13 pictures that prove that cats are excellent comedians, while remaining sublime

12. The neighbors’ cats observe the new tenants.

Illustration of the article: 13 pictures that prove that cats are excellent comedians, while remaining sublime

13. He is ready to break down any doors necessary to make sure he is not alone at home.

Illustration of the article: 13 pictures that prove that cats are excellent comedians, while remaining sublime


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