Home Cats 18 Pictures of Animals Whose Choice of Sleeping Places and Working Positions Will Confuse You

18 Pictures of Animals Whose Choice of Sleeping Places and Working Positions Will Confuse You

18 Pictures of Animals Whose Choice of Sleeping Places and Working Positions Will Confuse You

Pets sometimes have funny sleeping habits. As these pictures show.


Just like humans, dogs and cats seek comfort in sleep. However, they don’t always find it where you expect it. Yes, it happens for our hairballs to fall asleep in positions even more bizarre than the very place where they yield to the call of Morpheus.

Here are 18 pictures of dogs and cats sleeping in strange places and positions.

1. This kitten moved into this headgear a few days ago

Illustration of the article: 18 pictures of animals whose choice of places and sleeping positions will leave you confused

2. A bucket next to the toilet seems like the perfect place for this cat.

Illustration of the article: 18 pictures of animals whose choice of places and sleeping positions will leave you confused

3. The dog’s stomach has the ideal temperature for the cat

Illustration of the article: 18 pictures of animals whose choice of places and sleeping positions will leave you confused

4. Some bowls are very attractive to cats

Illustration of the article: 18 pictures of animals whose choice of places and sleeping positions will leave you confused

5. The slippers are the perfect shape for a kitty like this to love in them.

Illustration of the article: 18 pictures of animals whose choice of places and sleeping positions will leave you confused

6. The cat has just taken up residence in the shopping cart

Illustration of the article: 18 pictures of animals whose choice of places and sleeping positions will leave you confused

7. Under the bananas, a cat is getting ready for its nap

Illustration of the article: 18 pictures of animals whose choice of places and sleeping positions will leave you confused

8. This tiny kitten couldn’t find a better place to sleep than in the pocket of his owner’s t-shirt.

Illustration of the article: 18 pictures of animals whose choice of places and sleeping positions will leave you confused

9. A cat that floats a little but doesn’t seem to care

Illustration of the article: 18 pictures of animals whose choice of places and sleeping positions will leave you confused

10. Instead of the plant, there is now an angry cat

Illustration of the article: 18 pictures of animals whose choice of places and sleeping positions will leave you confused

11. Getting bigger than the tank is not a good enough reason not to land in it anymore.

Illustration of the article: 18 pictures of animals whose choice of places and sleeping positions will leave you confused

12. Where you would expect to find yogurt, you discover a cat

Illustration of the article: 18 pictures of animals whose choice of places and sleeping positions will leave you confused

13. A simple vacuum hose can create a cozy place for the cat.

Illustration of the article: 18 pictures of animals whose choice of places and sleeping positions will leave you confused

14. This salad bowl makes the cat happy during his naps

Illustration of the article: 18 pictures of animals whose choice of places and sleeping positions will leave you confused

15. Every time his owner pulls out his guitar, he runs to settle his case.

Illustration of the article: 18 pictures of animals whose choice of places and sleeping positions will leave you confused

16. This cardboard box appears to have swallowed the rest of the cat

Illustration of the article: 18 pictures of animals whose choice of places and sleeping positions will leave you confused

17. Wash basins and sinks are the private property of cats.

Illustration of the article: 18 pictures of animals whose choice of places and sleeping positions will leave you confused

18. A cat who decided that even a pot could be considered a bed.

Illustration of the article: 18 pictures of animals whose choice of places and sleeping positions will leave you confused


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