Cats have strong love for their owners, but they express it in a different way than other pets. Cats are loving, noble and dependent on their family members. These animals, like dogs, have the special feature of being very protective and attached to their favorite people. According to scientists at Oregon State University, cats love humans with their whole being, going so far as to look at them as if they were their father or their mother.
Cats consider their owners as their parents.
A study published in Current Biology revealed how domestic animals behave after spending two minutes with their owner. After the survey, each kitten was assigned to a group based on the attachment it had shown. These styles are known as secure, ambivalent, avoidant, and disorganized.
Most pets (64%) displayed a secure attachment style with their owner, meaning the kitten looked sad when away from its favorite person. It is worth mentioning that, to many people’s surprise, the attachment rate for dogs is much lower than for kittens, at 42%.
However, cats’ behavior is much more confusing than that of dogs because they do not always seek affection directly. Felines often show their affection by purring, pressing their bodies against yours, and even choosing to sleep near you. Another very curious way of showing its affection is for the cat to bring you animals or insects that it hunts.
The human-cat relationship is much more complex than one might think beforehand, as they are extraordinary animals that are unfairly categorized as independent or affectionate, despite this bad reputation, they can also socialize deeply with their owners. to create attachment, affection, and social behaviors seen in dogs, such as cherishing pets.
Finally, the researchers said that kittens are more attached and affectionate to their owners, even if their behavior does not reflect this. In conclusion, domestic cats consider their owners or the people who care for them as relatives.