Home Cats Here are the life stages of a cat, according to experts

Here are the life stages of a cat, according to experts


The medical needs of cats change as they age. We can recognize 6 distinct stages in the life of a cat: kitten, young, adult, mature, senior and geriatric. At each stage, the health challenges are different. By understanding them, we can help cats live healthier, happier, and longer lives.

These are the 6 stages of the cat

  • Baby (from birth to 6 months)

At this stage of its life, the kitten should be checked for congenital diseases such as cleft palate or hernia. This is also a good time to consider lifestyle, diet, spaying, vaccinations, and parasite control. It is important to ensure that the physical and social environment of the home meets the needs of the kitten in order to avoid the development of behavioral problems.

  • Young (from 7 months to 2 years)

The most common health problems in young or junior cats are infectious diseases (it is important to keep their vaccinations up to date) and problems related to fighting, hunting and trauma – young cats are explorers and are very active!

Also, as the cat matures physically and emotionally, it is important to pay constant attention to its living environment and the outdoors as well (if it has access to the outdoors). Their diet and weight should be monitored, especially that they do not gain weight after neutering.

As adults, many cats that have access to the outdoors continue to be active hunters, so it’s important to monitor their vaccinations and parasite control. Most adult cats have dental or gum problems, which can cause pain and tooth loss. It is important to consult a veterinarian about dental cleaning for cats. Other common problems at this stage can include obesity, cystitis (inflammation of the bladder), bowel disease, heart problems, and also behavioral problems.

© Stephen Tafra / Unsplash

From the age of 7, when many cats look young and remain active, the risk of developing age-related health problems increases. Typical examples are diabetes, kidney problems, high blood pressure, hyperthyroidism and cancer.

It is important to monitor their health, paying particular attention to common signs of illness in older cats, which may include: poor coat condition, lethargy, weight loss, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, changes in habits food or drink, urinary problems and lack of activity. The risk of obesity is higher at this stage, so it is necessary to monitor their diet. It is essential to monitor their general physical condition and weight.

  • Older adult (11-14 years old)

At this stage, changes sometimes go unnoticed, such as sleeping more than usual or becoming less active. Don’t attribute all changes to “being old” and ignore them. As cats age, they become prone to problems such as overactive thyroid, high blood pressure, kidney problems, arthritis, diabetes, and cancer.

Older cats spend less time grooming, which can lead to skin and coat problems. Their nails can grow too long and cause discomfort. Their sense of smell may no longer be as good or they may have problems with their teeth or gums and, for these reasons, stop eating well. You can learn how to give them a good quality of life by managing these changes and health issues appropriately.

When a cat is geriatric, they may suffer from several health issues at the same time. Their risk of age-related diseases such as cancer, kidney problems, heart disease, overactive thyroid, high blood pressure, weight loss due to digestive problems and arthritis is increased. However, many of these diseases are treatable even at this stage of life, so they should not be attributed to age and overlooked.

It is important to note that cats can show signs of the feline equivalent of senile dementia, appearing confused, withdrawn, wandering aimlessly and meowing constantly. However, many of these changes and illnesses can still be treated very effectively, improving their quality of life, despite their age.

Cats may not have seven lives, but you can help them live a good, happy and healthy life through the different stages.


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