Home Cats In Oise, the fantastic and touching photo of a cat rescued by firefighters

In Oise, the fantastic and touching photo of a cat rescued by firefighters

In Oise, the fantastic and touching photo of a cat rescued by firefighters

When the firefighters start a fire, it is always with the desire to save everyone, including animals. On Monday, December 5, they once again demonstrated this by rescuing a steam-poisoned cat. The result: a photo that is as surprising as it is touching.

Photo : Oise firefighters

It happened in Oise, more precisely in the town of Tracy-le-Mont. While responding to a fire that had started in a house, firefighters managed to save all the occupants, and in addition, they immediately took care of a cat that was injured by the smoke.

By placing an oxygen mask on his muzzle, they allowed him to get his breathing back. Since then, this photo has gone viral:

Oise firefighters:

“Every life matters! This afternoon #firemen60 supported one #cat drunk after a house fire in Tracy-le-Mont. The animal was put on oxygen by the firefighters before being handed over to the owner for consultation with the vet.

Thanks to the firefighters.


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