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Missions: pharmacists “ready to go even further in prevention” – 24/11/2022 – News

The Minister for Health and Prevention did not only address pharmacists during his speech on the 34the Order day, this 21 November. He also assured that he was “committed to giving pharmacists new missions”.

For the record, “supported by their skills and their homogeneous distribution across the territory, pharmacists are able to provide first-line care where the medical demographic is insufficient and where the patient cannot seek first-line care from a general practitioner.” hit Carine Wolf-Thal, President of the National Council of the Order of Pharmacists, recalling the proposals from CLIO Health. “For dispensing pharmacists, it is necessary to implement the corresponding pharmacy system and simplify forms of coordinated training”she added, proposing to extend protocol exemptions “to new pathologies”.

François Braun wants to continue the dispensation under the protocol for pharmacists involved in professional territorial health societies (CPTS), an extraordinary measure taken this summer to better deal with unplanned care. “400 pharmacies are involved in collaboration protocols, for example on the treatment of cystitis or angina”clarified the minister, adding that these solutions have “destined to be generalized”.

More advanced, because it is included in the financing bill for social security (PLFSS) for 2023, and pharmacists will soon be able to perform new missions: prescribing vaccines according to the recommendations of the vaccination schedule, or even conducting prevention interviews at key ages of life, “that pharmacists want to be associated with”, recalled Carine Wolf-Thal. “We strongly hope that the regulatory texts will be published soon after the adoption of PLFSS 2023, so that these skills become a reality for our professions and for patients”, she pointed out.

But that’s not all. “Pharmacists are ready to go even further in prevention”, explained Carine Wolf-Thal. While PLFSS 2023 also allows for free delivery in pharmacies without a doctor’s prescription of emergency contraception to all women regardless of age, the President of the Order puts on the table “initiation of routine contraception by local pharmacists to simplify access to contraception, especially when the doctor or midwife is not readily available”. She also suggested that medical biologists’ pharmacists perform cervical cancer screening smears.



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