Dogs are known to have a high learning capacity. However, some breeds are said to be more intelligent than others. Discover our selection based on studies carried out by researchers at the University of Helsinki.
Last August 26 it was World Dog Day. The opportunity for us to flash ours loyal pets and to remind you that in case of animal cruelty you can contact the competent authorities using the toll-free number available. According to a study published in the journal Natural science reportcertain breeds of dogs would be smarter than others. Find out which ones.
Here are the smartest dog breeds
The Malinois shepherd at the head of the competition
It is from different cognitive tests that researchers from the University of Helsinki were able to determine the most common dog breeds suitable for socialization and education. Their analyzes focused on the behavior of 1002 dogs of 13 different breeds. They were thus able to evaluate the learning capacity of these livestocks and their ability to find solutions to a given problem. For example Malinois Shepherd leads the race with a score of 35 points out of 39 during the evaluations by having the brilliant idea of bypassing a transparent fence. This dog breed is also the most abandoned, despite its great learning capacity.
Labrador, Hovawart and Shetland Sheepdog able to understand human gestures
CNews reports that for nearly 5 years, the various dogs were evaluated on their abilities to explore, their impulsivity, their reasoning, their socialization and their ways of solving spatial problems. Both highlighted their strengths as well as their weaknesses. Like Labrador and Hovawart, who are highly adept at reading human gestures and less adept at solving spatial problems. THE Shetland Shepherd also has a strong ability to learn. Very intelligent, he achieved good results in almost all his tests, specifies Saara Junttila, co-author of this study.
The Border Collie and the Doberman herd guardian
According to renowned trainer Stanley Coren, all dogs have at least 51% innate intelligence and 49% adaptive intelligence. Thus, some four-legged friends are instinctively natural shepherdshunters and loyal companions. This is the case Border Collie which is famous for its historical origins linked to pastures and for its great ability to learn quickly. THE Doberman is also qualified to become a very good guard dog. These domestic animals therefore prove to be very brave, faithful and reliable.
These domestic animals with a great capacity to learn
This little dog seems very talented and very energetic. A former hunter, he is today much more used for demonstration numbers of dressage. He is a faithful friend, very close to his master and has a strong capacity for obedience. His loving nature, his gentleness and his stability make him it ideal companion for children and for the whole family. THE Golden retriever also has the same abilities and seems more patient in his human relationships.
Australian Kelpie
Like the Border Collie and Australian Shepherdthe australian kelpie has been adapted since its origin to guard the herd. He has great adaptability intelligence. He is a fan of long walks travel miles and is not recommended for people without experience with dogs.
The Spanish water dog and the English cocker spaniel
These water dogs par excellence are used as companion dogs, although they are true hunters. Known to have one dense furthey may pull their hair out, which sometimes indicates it’s time to wash. Measuring between 42 and 50 cm, these dogs are very athletic and loves to let off steam in large rooms. Faithful, loyal and curious, they need an education that is both firm and caring.