When the human is not there, the cat dances… It would be quite possible to reverse the classic proverb, if we wonder what our little one is doing feline preferred in the absence of his master. This animal independent, rather autonomous, and who can remain alone for several hours, in fact engages in different activities throughout the day, some of which may surprise you.
He is sleeping
Did you know that an average cat spends 16 hours per day to sleep? It is therefore not surprising that this is the first occupation of your little companion while you are away. He sleeps throughout the day, alternating between different phases of light, deep and paradoxical sleep. An adult cat can then sleep daily until 24 complete cyclesinterspersed with periods of activity more or less intense. Moreover, an old cat sleeps about 18 hours, and a kitten up to 20 hours a day.
He does his daily stretches
All these micronaps logically make your cat want to stretch. He therefore performs these specific movements to wake up the muscles and drive away the numbness. These actions are also valuable for overall health: they promote blood circulationrelieve the tensionswhile providing comfort and well-being.
He eats
The cat also takes advantage of the absence of its master and a calm environment to eat in peace. We know indeed that this feline functions on a rhythm of 10 to 15 small meals a day. It is therefore important to always leave him some food available, so that he can have access to it at the time that suits him best. If you are away, remember to fill your bowl before leaving; Alternatively, you can opt for a distributer who will deliver the kibble in your absence.
It is also essential not to forget the water so that your little feline can hydrate properly. Finally, be sure to place all plants that may be toxic to animals out of its reach, as cats are often tempted to eat them to to purge.
He is washing himself
It’s a fact: your cat likes to be clean. He thus devotes long minutes each day to his toilet, potentially during your absence. This routine allows him first of all to get rid of dust and external parasites that clog up his hair. It also guarantees good health, beauty and the impermeability of its coat. The fact of licking finally offers him a precious opportunity to relax, by promoting the secretion ofendorphins.
He makes his claws
In line with the previous point, the cat takes advantage of your absence to scratch. This is a very important step for him, in order to maintain and the sharpen for hunting ; but also to prevent them from becoming fragile or breaking. Do not hesitate to install several scratching posts and place them in strategic places in your interior, otherwise your cat will scratch the sofa!
He explores
The cat is an extremely curious. During your absence, he will constantly inspect and check every corner of the house, in order to satisfy his exploration desires.
If you are used to letting him out, he will probably use the cat flap provided for this purpose to go on an adventure. However, all these round trips have a common goal: the cat needs mark one’s territory, especially if he is not castrated or sterilized. He then patrols to ensure that the pheromones that he emitted by rubbing or scratching himself, even while urinating, are easily detectable. If this last phenomenon is obviously dreaded by the owners of apartment cats, the marking carried out by the cat with his head on furniture corners or doors means it feels good in its surroundings. When he is outside, he also takes the opportunity to make his presence knownand identify the traces left by its congeners.
He hunts
Even if domesticated, cat instinct did not change. He thus continues to hunt anything that moves under his whiskers, whether it is an insect or a mouse. It is for him a recreational activitywhich allows it to both exert yourself and maintain your reflexes.
He looks out the window
If you live in an apartment, it’s normal that you don’t let your cat go outside, due to the many dangers in the city. However, felines love to be able to observe what is happening outside, once again because of their great curiosity. The cat can thus spend hours looking out the window, contemplating passers-by, cars or birds. For this he needs a good vantage point so that it is high enough: a chair, a cat tree or a strategically placed hammock will do the trick. This vigilant work participates in their mental balance, while helping them occupy their day.
He plays
The game embodies an important need for the cat, and remains essential for its stimulation. If many felines are happy to play with their master when he is present, they also like to entertain themselves. Their imagination first encourages them to play with their shadow or their reflection, a protruding thread, a flying insect… If they feel like it, it will be extremely easy for them to find a source of entertainment, no matter how basic. Moreover, if you have taken care to have a few toys in the house before leaving, you will no doubt notice when you return that some will have changed places: this is a sign that your cat is having fun in your absence! This is an excellent well-being indicator in animals.
He made mistakes
Who says play, however, says risk of skidding… It may happen that your cat indulges in a few pranks during his free time at home. He would indeed take advantage of this time without you to do what you usually forbid him, such as climbing on a piece of furniture or going into a room to which you refuse him access. To avoid this, remember, for example, to close the doors and fold down the toilet seat. It is not uncommon for him to also try to steal food, or drop objects on the ground. If this happens, don’t scold him when you realize it, because it will be too late: the animal’s memory does not allow it to realize what it has done a posteriori. We advise you to wait until you catch him in the act, and to try to make him understand that what he has just done must not happen again. For this you can use simple technique, and above all non-violent e.g. using a water spray, making an unpleasant noise, etc. If your cat nevertheless systematically performs the same stupidity, do not hesitate to speak to your veterinarywho can refer you to a behaviorist if necessary.
He gets bored
Cats can sometimes to be bored, especially if your absence is prolonged. It is therefore important to make sure at the time of departure that your animal has everything it needs. The food distributors Where smart games, which you can schedule before leaving, are also a good way to occupy your hours of solitude. Your little feline will then be all the happier to see you again!
If you want to know what your cat is doing in your absence, there are finally special cameras to install at home, connected to an application. You can thus follow the activities of your little companion liveas if you were with him at home.