Home Cats With the cold, the cats join the horses in your engine

With the cold, the cats join the horses in your engine

With the cold, the cats join the horses in your engine

In winter, despite global warming, it is still cold. And humans are not the only ones suffering from the drop in temperature. If some animals are naturally equipped to face the freshness of this season, others will seek the warmth, even if it means pushing themselves into unlikely corners, especially car engines, warn the northern gendarmes.

Perverts under sweet air, cats consider this world their territory. This world including your bed, your sofa or even your car. And if they haven’t yet stolen the keys from you to go out with their friends, outdoor cats find a very welcoming place under the hood when the cold comes: “they snuggle up close to the engine and fall asleep or wedge themselves between the stagnant heat rooms, “explain the gendarmes in Hallennes-lez-Haubourdin. The military adds that this is especially the case for “kittens who have their first experiences of life in an environment whose dangers they do not yet know”.

Cats, badgers, raccoons

On the other side of the Atlantic, the problem does not only concern felines. In North America, for example, it often happens that instead of cats, motorists find badgers or raccoons in their engines.

But regardless of the animal, the gendarmes warn that these are stories that can sometimes end very badly. They therefore invite everyone to check that no foreign or living body is squatting under the bonnet. Either by opening it, or by knocking the flat of your hand on it, or by slamming the door before starting. You can also do all three, just to be sure.


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