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HomeUnited State25-year-old black man shot dead by police in Ohio

25-year-old black man shot dead by police in Ohio



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To United States, in Ohio, a black man died shot dead by the police. Jayland Walker, 25, was killed on June 27, hit by around 60 bullets after a traffic offense. The eight police officers involved have been suspended. For several days, hundreds of people have been demonstrating against this police violence.

On June 27, 2022, at Akron in L’Ohio State (United States), Jayland Walker, a 25-year-old black man, was shot dead by police. On a video, we see him get out of his moving vehicle and then flee while being chased by the police, before the latter shoot him with automatic pistols. The man is riddled with bullets: at least 60 hits. These images come from the police cameras, and it is difficult to understand what happened. Officers claim the man wanted to flee after a traffic offence, that he shot at them and they fired back in self-defence.

The version of the police is disputed by the lawyer for the family of the victim. He’s not a criminal. He was unarmed“, thus affirmed Bobby DiCello. After the death of the young man, the mayor of the city ofAkron called on the population to remain calm. Hundreds of people demonstrated Sunday July 3 with a slogan: “We are done dying”. The eight police officers implicated in the death of Jayland Walker have been suspended pending the completion of the investigation.

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