Losing a beloved dog is one of the hardest things a pet parent can go through. Their love, camaraderie and silly antique leave an unforgettable mark on our hearts. But what if they could send you one last message from the Rainbow Bridge? What would they say to comfort, remind you of your bond and tell you that they are happy? Dogs love unconditionally; Even after they leave, their presence never really fades. If they could, they would send words about love, gratitude and insurance to your heart.
I am healthy, happy and free
You don’t have to worry about me anymore. I can run as fast as I want to chase endless tennis balls and never tired. My body feels strong again and I have no pain. No more stiff legs, sore joints or something that slows me down. It’s like I’m a puppy again, zooming in over the fields with other friends and beams happily without care in the world.
I still want my tail when I think of you
Every time you remember a funny moment we had together, my tail cradles here at the Rainbow Bridge. I know when you look at old photos and laugh and I beam in excitement every time you talk about me. Your love reaches me, even from far away. I feel it in any happy memory you share, making my heart light up.
The therapists here are unlimited (and I don’t have to share!)
Do you remember all the times you had to limit my snacks? Well, no more! I get all my favorites up here – chewy bones, peanut butter, bacon and even the tables you never let me have. I don’t have to beg anymore; No one tells me “no” when I just want one more. It’s like an endless buffet and I live my best life!
I never liked that one neighbor anyway
You know the one who always gave me the side-eye went past the house without giving me pets and ignoring my friendly beams. I knew they were shady and I wasn’t wrong. Just say. But don’t worry, I’ve forgiven them from here … for the most part.
I was so lucky to be your dog
Out of all people in the world I got you. You were my best friend, Protector, Belly Rub Provider and Adventure Buddy. You made my life astonishing and I wouldn’t act for a single moment of it. Every nap on the couch, the car trip and the time I made you laugh was the best life a dog could ever ask for.
Stop feeling guilty — you did everything right
I know you wonder if you could have done more but believe me you gave me a beautiful life. You loved me, cared me and made sure I was happy every single day. I never once doubted how much I meant to you. Don’t keep on any sake – I can only remember the good times and I hope you do too.
I visit you in small ways
When you hear my paws click on the floor, even if I’m not there, it’s me. When you randomly find one of my old toys in a place you swore, you’ve checked, so is me. And when you feel a warm, comforting presence near you on a hard day, it is me who reminds you that I am still with you. I will always be there when you need me.
I will be the first to greet you when it’s your time
You don’t have to be sad forever because we’re together again one day. When that time comes I will be right in front of the Rainbow Bridge, tail that cradles, ready to tackle you with kisses. There will be no goodbye, just an eternity of adventure waiting for us. Until then, live your life, be happy and know that I will always keep an eye on you.
The sofa is definitely my now
Oh, and one last thing – remember how you wouldn’t let me on the couch sometimes? Well, I’m pretty much royalty now and every single sofa here is mine. So enjoy your dog hair -free furniture so far, but know that when we meet again, I claim my place right away.
The best abdominal crushes have not yet come
Even if you are apart, the love you shared is forever. Your dog wants you to smile, remember the happy moments and know that they are at peace. Every time you think about them, they are right next to you who hit the tail and feel your love. They don’t want you to be sad but to cherish your time together. And one day, when the time is inside, you will be reunited in a place where the stomach rubs never ends and your bond continues in eternity. Create a free Rainbow Bridge listing to your pet and 1 shelter pets will be fed in their honor!