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HomeCatsBack Market - Sorry cats - Hello again

Back Market – Sorry cats – Hello again

Europe Back Market campaign designed by Buzzman

Device TV, digital, social networks, cinema, display

First aired September 18, 2022

Buzzman evening on TF1 this Sunday evening. After having embedded itself for its client Uber Eats with notifications on the films of the products presented, deliverable (or not like the Celio jeans) by Uber Eats, in the traditional advertising tunnel of TF1’s Sunday prime time, the agency has unveiled immediately and without interference its first campaign imagined for Back Market. Entitled “Sorry Cats”, the film directed by Tom Kuntz (Henry) stars cats. Far from the cute videos of social networks, cats reveal another side of their personality in this thriller with a Hitchcockian atmosphere like “The Birds”. In each house, the feline of the household attacks the smartphone, the computer, the helmet, or the tablet of its master for a radical destruction. Regrouping, the cats invade the streets, continuing their targeted attacks, all the way to the offices of a company, where their attack in no way disturbs the technicians… of Back Market. “Sorry cats. You are no longer the only ones. Tech can also have multiple lives. » With this cinematographic film with powerful storytelling and masterful production, Back Market humorously invites us to move on to refurbished products, with the ambition of weighing in on the circular economy. The new “Hello again” signature, a nod to the “Hello” present when all Apple brand products are switched on, underlines for the first time the longevity of tech products. The film broadcast in several formats, 60, 30, 15 seconds and in a long version of 1 minute 50 on social networks, is visible in France, Germany, Spain and the United Kingdom.

Icon of HENRY



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