Saturday, September 7, 2024
HomeCatsNews | Video Marseille: "Helping stray cats is our leitmotif"

News | Video Marseille: “Helping stray cats is our leitmotif”

For more than a year, in Marseille, the association Les Babychoux has been capturing, caring for and sterilizing stray cats. A nocturnal adventure that Géraldine joined at the end of the 2020 confinement, when Sylvie Desbieys, who is at the head, offered her to become a foster family. Since then, the human resources manager has been transformed into a cat hunter at nightfall. An activity that she practices about 40 hours a week. To catch them, his car trunk is overflowing with traps of all kinds: mechanical but also remote-controlled cages. The goal: to choose the cats that fall into its nets, because the priority target remains adults, to castrate them and avoid overpopulation which is the cause of fights between felines, the spread of diseases but also the increased risk that these animals pass the wheels of a car.

Reward after these long evenings which sometimes end at 2 o’clock in the morning: last year, the association found a home for more than 200 felines.

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