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HomeLoansThe Republicans are ready to do anything to hurt Joe Biden

The Republicans are ready to do anything to hurt Joe Biden

With less than two weeks until the midterm elections, the likelihood – already high – that the Republicans will regain control of the House of Representatives in Washington seems even greater. Barring a surprise, President Biden will have to deal with some of his fiercest opponents for the next two years.

Which is not unusual: For forty years, every US president has had to deal with a divided government. Sometimes it even produced good things—a constructive way to check the executive branch, for example. But not today.

Dissenters were purged

The House of Representatives will not only be controlled by Republicans. It will be in the hands of Republicans loyal to former President Trump, many of whom refuse to recognize the legitimacy of the Biden presidency.

Most of the members of this new majority will have been elected with the support of Trump. There will be virtually no critics of the former president – ​​at least not one who dares to express his feelings publicly. Dissenters were purged.

Of the ten House Republicans who voted to impeach Trump after the attack on the Capitol on January 6, 2021, eight resigned or lost the primaries. Only two are still candidates.

Well over half of the likely members of the future majority in the House of Representatives rejected or

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Source for the article

Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles)

The West Coast Giant. Founded in 1881, it is the most left-leaning of the country’s broad-circulation dailies and the leading specialist in social issues and the entertainment industry.

It was not until the 1940s that it became Los Angeles’ leading daily newspaper. Owned by Californians from the start, the title was purchased in 2000 by the Tribune Group – owner of Chicago Tribune. In 2018, it was Los Angeles Times is sold to a biotech billionaire, Patrick Soon-Shiong.

After years of declining sales, waltzing from editorial directors and workforce cuts, this former surgeon intends to relaunch the title and get it on the digital bandwagon. With a very ambitious goal: 5 million digital subscribers. A challenge, while Los Angeles Times recognized at the start of 2019 around 150,000.

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