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20% of Belgians would be ready to renounce democracy

A study on the state of Belgian democracy, carried out by the polling institute Kantar in collaboration with La Libre and RTBF, shows that 4% of respondents dream of a dictator and 16% of a single party.

A session of the Senate on October 11, 2022 @BELGAIMAGE

About eight out of ten Belgians remain within the boundaries of the democratic regime, notes La Libre Belgique, which publishes the results of this poll on Monday. However, almost a fifth of respondents (18.9%) believe that Belgium is already a dictatorship or is on the way to one “model“Regarding the dangers that the extreme left and the extreme right would pose to democracy, Belgian sentiment varies geographically.

On the Dutch-speaking side, respondents seem less afraid of more radical offers. About 45% of Flemish people believe that there is no danger from the edge of the political spectrum. There is no doubt that in these results we can perceive the influence in the Nordics of the absence of a media blockade around Vlaams Belang, notes the daily. On the contrary, the Walloons (68%) and the inhabitants of Brussels (72.1%) especially fear the threat from the extreme right.

Read also: Why the extreme right wing does not break through in French-speaking Belgium

In addition, the police and the justice system have lost, or at least do not have the support of almost half of the population, the opinion poll highlights. In 2022, almost every second respondent (53.2%) feels protected by the police and legal system in Belgium on a daily basis, while 46.8% do not feel protected.

The survey period took place between October 10 and 17, 2022, 1,101 people were surveyed, and the maximum margin of error is 3.1% around the observed percentage (95% confidence interval).



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