Saturday, September 7, 2024
HomeCatsThis is how often you should walk a puppy

This is how often you should walk a puppy

If you’ve just adopted a puppy, you’re probably wondering how often you should walk your dog. This is a topic that few people think about when adopting, and it’s actually quite important as puppies tend to make their needs more often when they are small. If you don’t walk them as often as you should, you’ll probably spend all day cleaning up pee all over the house.

When dogs are babies, they require a lot of attention, and as responsible owners it is our duty to know the animal’s needs and meet them. Over time, the puppy will learn to relieve itself outside and less often. But, as long as he’s a puppyyou will probably have to walk it up to 6 times a day.

puppies, as children or babies, tend to have more trouble suppressing the urge to relieve themselves, which is perfectly normal. For this reason, the number of times they defecate per day is significantly higher than in an adult dog. This information was shared by Ana Ramírez, veterinary expert at Kivet.

How often should you walk your puppy?

© Isabela Kronemberger / Unsplash

In general, your pet needs to urinate about six times a day, which changes as your dog gets older, usually around thirty-two weeks of age. So you need to walk your puppy often enough to get him used to going outside. Over time, you will learn how often your adult dog should be walked.

One thing to remember is that the dog’s size or breed does not affect how often it should be walked, according to Mrs. Ramirez. This is a myth that many people believe. The most normal thing is for your dog to go for a walk about three times a day, although sometimes it can be two or even four, depending on the situation.

Once your puppy has learned to relieve himself outside, you must walk it for forty-five to ninety minutes every day so he can socialize, sniff and see new places. It is important to emphasize that walks are not only to fulfill their physiological needs, but are also necessary for your dog’s physical and mental well-being.



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