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HomeInsuranceThe different car insurance covers: how to choose?

The different car insurance covers: how to choose?

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Car insurance is a guarantee that allows you to be covered in the event of an accident. Today, the law obliges all motorists to take out car insurance. If you don’t, you risk a fine and confiscation of your vehicle. To insure your car, there are several formulas available.

All-risk car insurance: what is covered?

All-risk insurance is the most complete form of car insurance. By subscribing to this guarantee you will choose more security. All-risk insurance allows you to protect your vehicle if it has value. This formula is therefore ideal for new and vintage cars. It is also an advantage to choose all-risk insurance because you benefit from numerous guarantees. This formula allows you to be compensated in the event of an accident, regardless of whether you are responsible or not.

It also gives you coverage whether the third party is identified or not. Finally, all-risk insurance protects you against natural disasters and vandalism if the vehicle is stationary or in circulation. It also protects you in the event of car theft, fire, broken glass, technological disaster or an act of terrorism. It is here most expensive formula, but by choosing it, both the vehicle and the driver are covered. In addition, you will be compensated very quickly.

What is Third Party Insurance?

In order to travel in a motor vehicle, the law requires all drivers to take out insurance that includes civil liability. For this reason, third party insurance was created. This formula is considered basic coverage. It covers the costs in connection with material damage and bodily injury that can be inflicted on third parties in the event of an accident. The damage caused by a third party is covered with cheap car insurance like this one. To find the right one for you, you can use one online insurance comparison.

The driver responsible for the accident receives no compensation. However, if the person who has taken out this type of insurance is exposed to a traffic accident, he will be compensated by the person responsible’s insurance. This formula is generally suitable for owners of used vehicles. It is also possible to choose third-party insurance if you use your car very little. As the third party insurance is limited, the driver is free to supplement his cover with other options.

How do you know what type of coverage you need?

If you need to choose car insurance, it’s important not to jump at the first offer that comes your way. Before making a choice, you need to consider several things. Among them we find in particular:

  • the type of vehicle you drive,
  • how you use your car.

The type of vehicle you own has a direct impact on the type of insurance you choose. When you have a new car, it is best to choose an all-risk insurance policy. If, on the other hand, you have a vehicle of a certain age or a car of low value, third party insurance is more interesting. In addition, the use you make of your vehicle will tell you what type of insurance you need. About you drive very little, third party insurance will suit you. If you drive a lot or you are not the only one driving your car, it is better to take out all-risk insurance.

Tips for finding effective and affordable coverage

Car insurance comparison.

The use of a vehicle varies depending on the habits of the driver. If you want to find coverage that is both effective and affordable, it is important to define your protection needs. Before that, do an analysis which takes into account your profile, your car type, the place where you park and the frequency of your car’s use.

Price is also a factor that should not be overlooked. It can increase depending on which level of cover you choose, but also which insurance company you go to. To get an idea of ​​the exact price of your car insurance, it is best to use an insurance comparison tool. Otherwise, you are welcome to request multiple quotes online. By following these various tips, you will be able to make your choice more easily. It is also important to be familiar with the different types of insurance.

In summary

There are different types of car insurance coverage and each has its benefits. In order to choose the one that suits you, it is important to do an analysis that takes your needs into account. You will thus be able to choose an offer that is interesting and cheap.

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