It is not always possible to transfer your home insurance contract. To do so, certain conditions must be met. First of all, you must make sure to notify your insurance company of your move and your wish to transfer your current home insurance agreement to your new home, preferably one month before your departure. Remember to state the date of your move and the address of your new home. If you forgot to do this, you have up to 15 days after moving in to notify your insurance companybut be careful, beyond this period you run the risk of not being covered anymore!
Another condition: that the guarantees in your current home insurance contract comply with your new home! You must therefore report the property’s new characteristics (area, number of rooms, floor, parking or basement, etc.) and warn of any increase or decrease in the value of your property. If the new property is too different from the home you are leaving, the insurance company may refuse to transfer your insurance and ask you to cancel it to subscribe to a new one. This can especially be the case if you move from a small two-room apartment in the city to, for example, a large house in the country.