Sunday, September 8, 2024
HomeInsurancewhy Macron cares so much about it

why Macron cares so much about it

“I say to the government: ‘Stop taking us for idiots!’ » Laurent Berger is not in the habit of letting go of his language. But this time too much is too much. The new reform of the unemployment insurance is off its hinges the head of the CFDT. “It is a very brutal reform”, he thundered on November 24 at France-Info.

Barely a year after the previous reform came into force, which had already reduced the amount of compensation for some of the unemployed, the government is putting the tires back on. He now addresses the duration of the compensation: this will be reduced by a quarter for all registrations with the Pôle emploi after February. An unemployed person, who would have received a maximum compensation of 24 months under the current rules, will therefore only be compensated for 18 months. If the maximum duration of his rights was 12 months, it drops to 9 months and so on down to a floor of 6 months.

In the Ministry of Labour, Olivier Dussopt’s presentation of the reform to the social partners ended on 21 November. The unions quickly showed up to denounce one “scandal”. As Michel Beaugas, the representative of Force Ouvrière, points out, “for the most insecure employees who are already victims of last year’s reform, it is a double punishment”.

Unemployment insurance: a useless (and unfair) reform

This criticism is brilliantly ignored by the government. Because according to the a-kasse’s files, Emmanuel Macron does not

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