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Entrusted to a pension, a puppy mysteriously disappears and its owner is arrested asking for an explanation

In Texas, the owner of a missing puppy, when she had entrusted him to a pension, was able to find him ten days later. In the meantime, she and her mother have been taken into custody, while the establishment says it is investigating the theft of the animal.

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It’s an amazing story Kjihla Evans lived after having placed her young dog in a pension to go on vacation. The puppy was kidnapped there, before being found by his mistress after many twists and turns. A story told by Click 2 Houston Thursday, June 23.

Click 2 Houston

On Saturday June 11, this resident of the county of HarrisTexas, had left his 4 Cane Corso dogs at the local veterinary clinic Abbottwhich offers a pension service. Kjihla Evans was supposed to go to Mexico for a week.

When she returned on June 18, and when she came to pick up her pets, the youngest, Blue, was missing. Clinic staff told her that the 4-month-old puppy had gone missing on June 12, between 2 and 6 p.m. Kjihla Evans was in shock. Her dog had vanished for nearly a week, and she only learned about it then.

The employees told him that Blue had probably been stolen and that they had informed the police. They also claimed to have tried daily to reach her, but without success. Kjihla Evansfor her part, maintains that she was never called or informed by email.

That day, she was accompanied by her mother. They called the police, because the staff of the veterinary clinic was slow to give them the requested documents and they were not convinced by his explanations. The tone rose, and when the police arrived, the employees accused them of having insulted, harassed and threatened them. Kjihla Evans and his mother were handcuffed, pinned to the ground and taken into custody for 24 hours…

Illustration of the article: Entrusted to a pension, a puppy mysteriously disappears and its owner is arrested asking for an explanation
Click 2 Houston

Blue resold on a parking lot near the pension

Facility officials say they don’t have a security camera inside, but they are investigating and are considering lie-detecting all staff. One of them could be an accomplice to the theft, according to them.

Kjihla Evans, she had no idea where her dog was for 4 long days, until this unexpected call from a lady on Wednesday, June 22. The latter explained to him that she had just bought a small female Cane Corso from a man who was selling her in a parking lot, a few steps from the veterinary clinic. Abbott. She then saw the wanted poster and understood that the animal in her possession was Blue.

Illustration of the article: Entrusted to a pension, a puppy mysteriously disappears and its owner is arrested asking for an explanation
Click 2 Houston

relieved, Kjihla Evans was able to pick up his dog the next day, Thursday, June 23. She took her to the vet for a full exam. Fortunately, Blue was doing very well.

To read also: Convinced that their dog is homosexual, they abandon him in a shelter overnight

Illustration of the article: Entrusted to a pension, a puppy mysteriously disappears and its owner is arrested asking for an explanation
Click 2 Houston

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