Thursday, September 19, 2024
HomeCatshow to sex kittens?

how to sex kittens?

You just watched the birth kittensbut you don’t know sex and therefore know if they are females or some men ? Don’t worry, there are reliable techniques to tell if a baby cat is male or female. We explain to you.

How to sex kittens easily?

Sexing a kitten, that is, the act ofdetermine whether the kittens are female or male, is sometimes very complicated. Especially in the first weeks of life of baby cats. But there is a foolproof method of knowing if one kitten is a girl or a boy, crucial information to get these little beasts adopted.

  • The kitten is a female if the kitten’s two openings are very close to each other. That is, if the vulva (bottom) and anus (top, under the tail) are close.
  • The kitten is a male if there is a gap of approx. 2 cm between the penile opening (which is then the case) and the anus. Between the two will be the testicles. In the male cat, we can see them take shape in two small bumps when he is a kitten. But it can take a very long time to happen and at first they may not be visible.

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At what age can you be sure of a cat’s sex?

It happens very often that masters have the wrong gender for a kitten. It must be said that babies, little cats are really hard to sex before they reach their first month of life. It is also estimated that in order to be sure about gender of a cat, you have to wait 4 weeks or even 6 weeks.

This is also the recommended time before you put cats up for adoption to avoid mistakes when sexing kittens. For weaning and therefore it will be necessary to return the cat to its new owner wait for their 2 months, or even their 3 monthsuntil they stop sucking altogether.

SEE ALSO: The cat sees in the dark: true or false?

Is it possible to have only males or females?

Yes, it is entirely possible for your pussy to have a litter consists of only males or females. In this specific case, sexing can be very complex, as the kittens’ genitalia will all look alike. And as it is quite rarely that there are only females or males, you will be afraid of making a mistake.



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