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HomeInsurancesolutions in case of loss

solutions in case of loss

Whether due to an offence, an accumulation of points or after consuming euphoric drugs, the suspension or cancellation of your driving license can have significant consequences for your car insurance contract.

In this article we will discuss the steps you need to take with your insurance company and the possible alternatives in case of license loss.

Declare the suspension or cancellation of the license to his insurance company

Pursuant to Article L113-2 of the Insurance Act, reporting a license suspension or cancellation to your insurance company is mandatory. This situation actually changes the original terms of the insurance contract and may lead to changes in the guarantees or the insurance premium. You must therefore inform your insurance company as soon as you are notified of the fine.

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The consequences for your car insurance

Suspension or cancellation of your license can have several consequences for your insurance contract:

  • An increase in the insurance premium : Depending on the nature and duration of the suspension, your insurer may revise your premium upwards to take account of the increased risk.
  • Exclusion of Certain Warranties : certain warranties may no longer apply in the event of license suspension or cancellation, such as the “driver’s warranty” or the “criminal defense and recourse after an accident” warranty.
  • A termination of the contract : In some cases, the insurance company may decide to terminate your car insurance contract. You then need to look for a new insurance company willing to cover drivers who have lost their license.

Be aware of that though each insurance company has its own policy on license suspension or cancellation. See the general terms and conditions of your contract to find out the exact terms.

Driving without a license: what alternatives?

In case of loss of driver’s license, you may be tempted to drive a car without a driver’s license, also called a light motor quadricycle. However, this solution is not available to everyone and depends on your year of birth:

  • For people born before 1988 : no specific training is required to drive without a license.
  • For people born in 1988 or later : having an AM certificate, formerly called BSR (Road Safety Certificate), is required. This training consists of 7 hours of theoretical and practical lessons and does not require a final exam.

note that cars without a driving license are subject to speed limits (45 km/h) and power (4 kW).which can be a disadvantage in certain applications.

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Avoid the loss of points on your license

To avoid losing your driving licence, you must be aware of your driving behavior and respect the traffic law. Here are some tips to save your points:

  • Observe the speed limits : they are put in place to maintain the safety of all persons on the road. Exceeding the permitted speeds can result in a significant loss of points.
  • be careful : Adopt defensive driving and make sure to respect the safety distances between vehicles.
  • Avoid using alcohol or drugs : these substances impair your ability to react and judge, thus increasing the risk of accidents and loss of points.
  • Participate in point recovery courses : If your points balance is low, you can take a road safety course to get up to 4 points on your driving licence.

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