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HomeKitchenhis tips to improve the star of pleasant meals

his tips to improve the star of pleasant meals

Experience Laurent Mariotte’s potato salad, a perfect combination of simplicity and Mediterranean flavor. A friendly and refined dish to delight your taste buds.

Faisselle, creamy in its purest form!

With only coagulated cow’s, goat’s or sheep’s milk, this fresh cheese owes its name to the shape with walls perforated, in which it drips, differs from its whey. If its simple preparation makes it possible to enjoy it all year round, its quality is characterized by the feed of the animal, especially in spring and summer, and the know-how of the producer. So much so that when the taste buds taste an artisan faitselle, poured with a ladle, they will never forget its soft texture and its slightly lactic and fresh taste.

She has an easy marriage

Produced in most dairy regions of France, faitselle is essentially made from pasteurized milk to promote its marketing. Easy to loosen, but not as smooth as cottage cheese, it can be enjoyed plain, spread generously on a slice of fresh or toasted country bread. Combined with chopped herbs, garlic and shallots, a little heavy cream, olive oil and nuts, white wine and wine vinegar, that’s what makes Lyon cuisine and Canut’s brains a success! Sweet, it is enjoyed with raw or cooked fruits, jelly, marmalade and honey. In cooking and baking recipes, it pairs easily, as a seasoning to accompany raw vegetables, meat or fish, or as an important ingredient in gratins, fillings, pies and cakes… with cheese.

Laurent Mariotte’s potato salad: the step-by-step recipe

Laurent Mariotte suggests a potato salad recipe that combines simplicity and sophistication. Here are Annabelle or Charlotte potatoes, browned to perfection on the grill with duck fat, enhanced by crisp spring onions. A homemade pestomade with dried tomatoes, pine nuts, parmesan and garlic, brings a sunny Mediterranean touch. The creamy faitselle, whipped with olive oil, salt and pepper, creates a creamy base in perfect contrast to the potatoes. This harmonious salad celebrates fresh, quality ingredients a friendly and tasty dish. A true ode to authentic home cooking.


  • 800 g Annabelle or Charlotte potatoes
  • 100 g duck fat
  • 4 spring onions
  • 1 jar of dried tomatoes in oil
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 50 g pine nuts
  • 10 cl olive oil
  • 50 g grated parmesan
  • 200 g very fresh cheese or goat’s cheese
  • 2 sprigs flat-leaf parsley
  • Fine gray salt, freshly ground pepper

The preparation:

  1. Preheat the plancha to 160°C.
  2. Wash and dry the potatoes. Cut them into 2-3 mm thick slices and place them in a salad bowl. Season them and add the duck fat. Mix well, then place the slices on a wire rack. Stir regularly to achieve a uniform color of the potatoes. Let it boil for about 20 minutes.
  3. Pour the contents of the jar of tomatoes into a blender. Add a grated clove of garlic, the pine nuts and the Parmesan. Mix and add olive oil if necessary to achieve the desired consistency. Adjust the seasoning.
  4. Cut the spring onions into quarters and add them to the potatoes. Grate the second clove of garlic all over and add the crushed parsley; mix well. In a salad bowl, whisk the foie gras with a little olive oil, salt and pepper to make it smooth. Spread the faitselle in the bottom of a dish, add a little pistou, and then place the potatoes on top. Finish with a few spoonfuls of tomato pesto.

Why is it a tasty idea to cook potatoes in duck fat?

Cooking potatoes in duck fat is an exquisite idea that elevates this tuber to new heights of taste. The duck fat also permeates the potatoesan incomparable tasty richnessgives them a golden and crispy crust at the same time as it is tender and soft meat. This traditional methodvalued in French cuisine, enhances aromas and improves texture, which offers a refined and authentic culinary experience. In addition, duck fat, rich in monounsaturated fats and omega-3, adds a noticeable nutritional dimension. Thus, each bite becomes a real pleasure, combining tradition and pleasure in an excellent way.

Also read:

Laurent Mariotte’s Piedmontese salad: his tips for improving the salad for happy days!

Caesar salad from Laurent Mariotte: his tip for an unforgettable homemade sauce!

Laurent Mariotte’s lentil salad: his delicious vegetarian salad for less than 1 euro per

Potato salad by Cyril Lignac: his tips for improving the salad that everyone agrees on!

Roast chicken with lemon from Laurent Mariotte: his 3 tips for tender, juicy and perfectly lemony meat

Rice pudding with strawberry coulis by Laurent Mariotte: his secret for an exquisite fusion of creamy and fruity



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