Saturday, June 29, 2024
HomeCatsHow did the Bouhier family start making Rilhac-Rancon cat toys?

How did the Bouhier family start making Rilhac-Rancon cat toys?

Do you want to support the local economy? Every month “Made in 87” explores the diversity of artisanal and creative productions in Haute-Vienne. Head today to Rilhac-Rancon, where the Bouhier family manufactures toys and accessories for cats at home within “1 fil à la patte”.

It was in 2022. The Bouhier family adopted two cats from SPA. To sisters. “They didn’t have a mother, so we took them both. We didn’t want them to be separated,” says Aurore, the mother.

To welcome its new furry tenants, the household gears up. But the cat tree quickly becomes pitiful, and the quality of accessories in stores does not appeal to them. The school teacher and organizer of trips for the disabled therefore decide to do what their fierce Tokyo and their tender Titi need. And to manufacture that requires too much equipment.

“Each time we have relied on their instinct, their needs, their physiology…”

Bowl holders, crackling toys, bells, fun pillows filled with organic catnip or matatabi gradually appear in the house.


“And then we told ourselves that other cat owners would like it,” continues Arnaud, the father. They therefore launched “1 fil à la patte”, with the help of their three children, who are still involved in the project.

At the markets and fairs, the couple unwraps developing cup holders, wool lollipops to chew on to clean teeth, fabric mice with bells and … “chardine” boxes.

These small wooden boxes, which Aurore and Arnaud make with a special machine installed in their office, contain three fun pillows in the shape of sardines sewn and stuffed by hand with organic catnip, chamomile and rustling paper. The fabric is recycled, the rustling paper comes from the chocolate that Aurora’s students eat, and the chamomile comes from Grandma’s garden. Hard to do more locally.

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Where do you find them? Aurore and Arnaud will be present at the Châtenet-en-Dognon market on June 22, 2024. Their website: Aurore and Arnaud are looking for sales points in Haute-Vienne.

Marion Buzy



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