Wednesday, July 3, 2024
HomeCatsA sick cat offers a great life lesson to all those who...

A sick cat offers a great life lesson to all those who cross his path thanks to his fighting spirit

Houston is a real fighter. This cat in a worrying state of health has slowly recovered from a serious illness that doomed him. Now he is better and has managed to seduce the entire staff at his shelter because he is so endearing and brave.

Houston joined the shrine Tabby’s placeAt New Jersey (UNITED STATES), having attracted the attention of benefactors. The feline was in great need of care, but also of love. His brilliant personality and fighting spirit came to the fore when the staff discovered him.

Upon arrival, Houston had significant medical problems that disabled him daily. He suffered from severe hydrocephalus, a neurological condition that led to the accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain. This affected his general condition and his eyes, which he could not open properly.

Article illustration: A sick feline offers a great life lesson to all those who cross its path thanks to its fighting spirit

Tabby’s Place: a Cat Sanctuary / Facebook

“He was really amazing”

His rescuers knew his road to recovery would be long, but Houston seemed to want to stay positive. Yes, from the beginning he was always loving: “ He was a little woolly bear with a warm heart, full of affection and excitement to be alive and to be loved. » testified Angela Hartleymember of the Tabby’s place.

Houston arrived at the shelter with a matted coat. As his rescuers began to remove the knots from his large coat, he began tumbling around in joy. The fur ball was clearly over the moon to get so much attention.

Houston agreed

His condition improved after he consulted a neurologist. Houston felt better than he had ever felt, and it showed: “ He seems to approach each day with stars in his eyes, in love with life itself and everyone he meets. He loves to be carried, cuddled and even bathed » declared Angela.

Who added that he was “ one of the most piquant and wonderful little wonders “. Now at home in Tabby’s Place, Houston is featured in several event promotions to attract the public since he is so loved.



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