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HomeKitchenThe Refugee Food Festival, a moment of meeting and conviviality around the...

The Refugee Food Festival, a moment of meeting and conviviality around the kitchen

Raising awareness of the situation of refugees, by discovering different culinary heritages: this is the objective of the Refugee Food Festival. The solidarity event, present in ten cities in France, is back for the sixth time in Bordeaux, from Monday until June 18.

The principle ? Refugees, whether they are chefs or simply competent in the field, prepare lunches or dinners from their countries of origin in restaurants, accompanied by the staff of the establishment. This year, they will be six to offer their local specialties. The festival is held on the occasion of World Refugee Day, which takes place on June 20.

Tibetan dinner and Ivorian lunch

One event per day will be offered, each time in a different restaurant. A way of “changing the look” on the situation of refugees, while “helping them to integrate professionally”, as explained by Coline de Silans, project leader this year. “The kitchen brings people together”, smiles the young woman, before adding that “these are always good times”.

In particular, it will be possible to taste a Tibetan dinner on Tuesday, June 14, prepared by Lob Sang, at Casa Gaia (Chartrons), or to discover an Ivorian lunch concocted by Marie Nella at Wanted Café (Capuchins), on Thursday, June 16. On the evening of June 18, the festival will close at the Garage Moderne (Bacalan), where dinner will be accompanied by dances and a concert.

With a Ukrainian sommelier who took refuge in France

This year, Tatiana, a Ukrainian sommelier who recently arrived in France, will notably be present. To meet the refugees taking part in the operation, Coline de Silans went through different structures, such as the Provisional Accommodation Center (CPH), or the Diaconate of Bordeaux.

The events will be open to everyone. The Georgian ravioli preparation workshop at the Matsa Caffè (la Bastide), which will open the festival, will be participatory. However, programming is not free. The prices for accessing it will be determined “in accordance with the usual restaurant prices”, as explained by Coline de Silans. Reservations are made directly with the establishments.

Find here all the program of the festival.



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