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Russia, which invaded Ukraine and caused global disorder, accuses the United States of “destabilizing the world”

Russia – which invaded Ukraine on February 24 – accused the United States on Tuesday, August 2, of “destabilize the world” by causing tension around Taiwan, where a possible visit by US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi is angering Beijing.

“Washington is destabilizing the world. Not a single conflict resolved in recent decades, but several provoked.said on her Telegram account the spokeswoman for Russian diplomacy, Maria Zakharova.

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According to Russia, Nancy Pelosi’s possible trip to Taiwan is a “sheer provocation”. “This aggravates the situation in the region and heightens tensions”Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters.

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“We are in absolute solidarity with China, whose attitude towards this problem is understandable and completely justified”he added. “Instead of respecting the sensitivity (of Beijing on Taiwan), the United States unfortunately chooses the path of confrontation, which does not bode well”continued Dmitry Peskov.

The Kremlin spokesman further added that the Russian armed forces stand ready to “ensuring border security” of their country in the event of “provocative situations”.

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These statements sound like a return to sender for Moscow, which Western countries, led by the United States, accuse of destabilizing with its military offensive against Ukraine. Since the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, food and energy crises have arisen.

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Escalating tensions in Taiwan

Nancy Pelosi began a tour of several Asian countries this week that is likely to heighten tensions between China and the United States due to an unconfirmed but increasingly likely visit to Taiwan.

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Beijing considers the island as part of its territory to be reunified, by force if necessary, and has repeatedly warned Washington against a visit by the senior official which would be experienced as a major provocation.

Increasingly isolated on the international scene since its intervention in Ukraine and suffering economically from Western sanctions, Russia is trying to get closer to China.



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