The fight against the circulation of firearms and drugs is the priority of law enforcement in Guadeloupe. To contribute to this, the gendarmerie has just strengthened its dog investigation group. This is how a 14-month-old Belgian Tervueren shepherd was recruited with his handler. Their new colleagues rely on the animal’s scent, specially trained.
Don’t be fooled by his good looks! The young Belgian Shepherd Tervueren, who arrived on Monday (July 15, 2024) in the ranks of the Guadeloupe Gendarmerie Command, is already a great professional! At 14 months he is a dog named “SAMBI“; he was therefore trained to search for drugs, weapons, ammunition and bank notes.
Who says “dog team” mean that it is a recruitment that goes hand in hand. The dog handler, police officer Sébastien Gras, also took the plane with this dog and took up his duties in the archipelago at the start of the week.
Both were officially presented to the Pointe-à-Pitre teams on Tuesday in the presence of General Vincent Lamballe and Colonel Jean-Pierre Rabasté, respectively commander and deputy commander of the Guadeloupe Gendarmerie. But it was towards the dog SAMBI that all eyes were turned.
Here is the reinforced Dog Investigation Group (GIC), in an area where war has been declared against the holders and smugglers of drugs and weapons. The pair will have a lot to do as part of their new missions.
ALSO READ : Already 209 armed robberies in 2024 in Guadeloupe. Police, gendarmerie and judiciary coordinate their means of combat – 17/07/2024.
Note that the dog’s name is not given. “Given his young age, unlike the elders, he could be disturbed under control if people called him.”explains the gendarmerie.