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A giant computer crash, your life insurance pays less… Financial news in 120 seconds


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A giant computer crash disrupts holiday flights, falling returns on Euro funds, traffic in Paris during the Olympics… catch up on today’s economic news with our 120-second podcast.

This Friday, July 19, a gigantic computer failure occurred at Microsoft crippling many sectors. Several airlines and airports are affected. Consequences: aircraft are on the ground. In the midst of holiday departures, concerns are growing among travelers. The capital explains to you your rights if your flight is affected.

Bad news on the life insurance side. After an average operating rate of 2.60% in 2023, returns on Euro funds are expected to fall slightly this year. The average guaranteed capital allowance rate should actually drop to 2.50% by 2024. Insurers that dipped into their reserves to improve rates paid to savers are starting to run out of reserves. Other factors suggest a decline in the performance of the Eurofunds.

Traveling around Paris during the Olympics risks getting sporty. Since Thursday 18 July traffic is restricted in certain areas of the capital. Closest to the event venues, the gray areas are exclusively reserved for athletes, ticketed spectators and accredited persons. In red zones, motorized traffic is prohibited unless you present a passport. Several tourist spots are even forbidden entry. More information on our website.

A furniture brand in rebellion. After two years of financial difficulties, the furniture brand Gautier has requested to be put into receivership. The company has been established in the Vendée since 1960 and employs 700 people, has 72 stores in France and more than 120 stores around the world.

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