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Asset support, expertise and innovation: the winning combination of life insurance in Luxembourg

Faced with an affluent clientele with increased demands, both in terms of wealth transfer and innovation, certain wealth life insurers are doing well, including WEALINS.

The company based in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, which offers innovative life insurance solutions, makes it possible, thanks to its range of products and services and its wealth support, to provide a concrete answer adapted to the expectations of this clientele.

Heritage support: a major concern

Wealthy clients are currently increasingly mobile internationally for various reasons: from the simple desire to emigrate for professional reasons to escaping political instability. As an example, let us mention the French heritage clientele who are currently looking to settle abroad, with Belgium appearing to be a preferred destination. It is clear that heritage situations are now becoming more and more complex and support and expertise are becoming essential.

Active in 9 European markets, the WEALINS company has solid and long-term expertise in asset protection, management and transmission and masters the regulatory and tax environments of several European markets. By relying on these assets, it is able to adapt the contract and support clients as their professional and personal situations evolve.

This proximity to partners and their customers is strategic within the Luxembourg company, which prefers a “people-to-people” approach on a daily basis. What sets WEALINS apart from its main competitors is its 100% Luxembourg DNA. With a shareholder like Foyer Group, a major player in the Luxembourg insurance landscape, a hundred years old and with a solvency ratio of over 200%, this tends to reassure potential investors. In fact, this family character, synonymous with solidity, stability and added to a long-term vision, is perfectly in line with the expectations and goals of the wealthier clientele.

Expertise: a key element in wealth management

Excellence and entrepreneurial spirit are rooted in the WEALINS culture. As a result, the company can benefit from the know-how of its 140 employees, experts in several fields: law, tax or even investments in complex assets. They have a detailed understanding of the particularities of each of the markets where the company is active, and particularly in Belgium. Asset planning is also at the heart of the life insurance contract, which by definition aims to protect and pass on assets. While intergenerational wealth transfer is one of the biggest concerns at the moment, WEALINS’ wealth engineering team is able to anticipate and understand the wealth desires of (U)HNWI clients.

In the Belgian market, the Luxembourg company offers a range of products that meet the expectations of a diversified clientele whose expectations and wealth goals may be different. The Luxembourg life insurance contract offered by WEALINS (NB Wealins Life Belgium) allows, for example, access to a wide range of innovative and sophisticated financial assets, including the option to invest in private equity. WEALINS therefore has a team specialized in analyzing the eligibility of each asset, listed or unlisted, taking into account the specific situation of each client. It also developed the ePlatinum product, a branch 23 investment insurance product which provides access to very high quality funds with “all-in” pricing.

Listening to the market, the company is resolutely committed to building tomorrow’s life insurance. In recent years, Corporate Social Responsibility has become a major strategic topic, characterized by an awareness among insurance companies, business partners and customers of giving meaning to investments and creating a positive impact on society. It is in this context that WEALINS has developed WE-Impact, a unit-linked life insurance contract that offers a dematerialized customer experience and the opportunity to invest exclusively in sustainable funds, which are in line with their own development strategy focusing on the United States of Nations goals for sustainable development (SDGs). Reflecting its commitment to a sustainable future, WEALINS is a member of “Impact Finance Belgium*” (*independent, non-profit organization with the aim of mobilizing more investment, capital and financing focused on impact to initiate and accelerate solutions that meet people’s and the needs of the planet).

Innovation: the biggest challenge in tomorrow’s insurance

By focusing on a “client-centric” approach and on collaboration between WEALINS experts, partners and specialists in UX design, the company has developed a digital offer that meets the expectations of partners and end customers, and which is currently recognized internationally best in the Luxembourg life insurance market. Its e-Wealin’s platform, as well as the possibility to subscribe and carry out all operations digitally, combine several advantages, in particular more flexibility and responsiveness in access and exchange of information.

Aware of today’s and tomorrow’s challenges shaking up the wealth insurance sector, the Luxembourg company aims to further consolidate its position as a benchmark player by relying on its unique approach to “Wealth Insurance as a Service”. With a long-term vision, it is currently working on new projects and developments to build tomorrow’s wealth life insurance today.

To find out more about WEALINS and its wealth support, contact the Belgian market experts:
• Sophie LHERMEROUT, Sales Manager France, Belgium and Luxembourg (
• Tanguy MOREL DE WESTGAVER, Country Manager Belgium (
• Philippe DEPREZ, Sales Manager (
• James NYS, Country Manager Belgium (



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