“Sud Ouest” unveils part of the show. Accompanied by Loïc Ducasse, vice-president of the Société des Fêtes de Bommes, we were able to see only some of the eleven canoes that will parade on Ciron on Sunday 18 August. Like carnival, but on the water of the most beautiful river in the Gironde, this great annual parade will be a real eye-catcher.
“Sud Ouest” unveils part of the show. Accompanied by Loïc Ducasse, vice-president of the Société des Fêtes de Bommes, we were able to see only some of the eleven canoes that will parade on Ciron on Sunday 18 August. Like carnival, but on the water of the most beautiful river in the Gironde, this great annual parade will be a real eye-catcher.
Six canoes are stored in Bommes water sports center’s gymnasium. In the Olympic year, one of them carries the five rings representing the five continents. Monumental, an enormous floating medieval tower represents the label Château La Tour Blanche, one of the great wines of Sauternes. “It was created by a member of the castle’s employee association,” says Loïs Ducasse.
Just as spectacularly, a large pot with its large spoon evokes the Disney animated film “Ratatouille”. Finer, a canoe transformed into a three-masted boat, with all sails set. But let’s say no more, let’s leave the surprise to the hundreds of spectators who will flock to both banks of the Ciron on Sunday at 3.30pm to witness this joyous parade.
Unlike the professional football club, the Girondins de Bordeaux canoe did not sink during the 2023 edition.
Bomme’s nautical festivals
Fireworks show
“It used to be rafts of real flowers, picked the same day, so they stayed fresh. Today, canoes are decorated with crepe paper flowers. There are thousands of them, handmade by Bomme’s grandmothers. They start doing it in February,” says Loïs Ducasse.
“In the past” was eighty-nine years ago, during the first Bommes festival. “It is a story that is passed down from generation to generation in Bommes families. We always enjoy being together,” he says, while the volunteers (180 in total) work to install barnums at the lake stop. The party, which began on Thursday 15 August, continues until Monday 19 with a pyrotechnic display and descent of Ciron with lanterns for children (see programme).
But the big moment is really the canoe parade on Sunday. “You never know how they will behave on the water because you don’t try them before. We can see the same day if it floats. “Cans under the structures help maintain the water line. But turning the Ciron against the current in front of the public is always dangerous! I promise, for next year’s 90th birthday, “we are going to do everything we can,” announces Loïs Ducasse.
SATURDAY: 2.30 p.m., pétanque competition reserved for volunteers; 19.30, country meal; 10 p.m., Fluo Party.
Sunday: 10:30 a.m., open-air fair on the banks of the Ciron; lunch, meal trays; 1.30pm, Lilian the Magician show; 14.00, face painting for the children; 14:30, Deep Move club tour along Ciron; 15:30, parade of flowered canoes (5 euros, free under 12) with the Gregory-Danion Orchestra hosted by Nicolas; 9 p.m., dance party.
Monday: 2 p.m., petanque competition open to all; 3 p.m., free games for children; 7 p.m., band; 19:30, escargot; 10 p.m., fireworks show; 11 p.m., closing party.