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HomeLawyerCédric Jubillar's lawyers are again demanding his release, decision mid-January

Cédric Jubillar’s lawyers are again demanding his release, decision mid-January

Previous requests for release had been rejected by the courts. The prosecutor had said that he believed that “serious and consistent clues” made it possible to conclude that the husband was involved in the disappearance of the Tarn nurse.

Against all odds, he continues to proclaim his innocence. Cédric Jubillar, suspected of having killed his wife Delphine Jubillar, made this Tuesday, January 11 a new request for release before the Toulouse Court of Appeal. He has been in pre-trial detention, in solitary confinement, for almost eight months.

If the main suspect in the Jubillar case was not present during the hearing, which took place behind closed doors and lasted nearly five hours, his three lawyers tried to convince the magistrates of the chamber of his innocence. of education. “More than ever, this file is empty, this file is disintegrating over time, it is getting bogged down. We’ve been saying it for six months, and we’re still keeping this man in detention“, assures one of his lawyers, Me Jean-Baptiste Alary. “Keeping him in detention becomes totally unreasonable“, he pleads, “the six months he spent free, he did not harm the investigation, justice must find serenity in the analysis of the file“. The public prosecutor requested the continued detention of Cédric Jubillar and the decision of the investigating chamber was reserved for January 14.

This is the appeal of the third request for release of this 34-year-old painter-plasterer. The previous requests had all been rejected by the courts, for whom “serious and concordant cluesallow us to conclude that the husband was involved in the disappearance of the nurse from Cagnac-les-Mines, on December 15, 2020.

The weakened file?

During this hearing, Cédric Jubillar’s lawyers pleaded the fragility of the case. The two main elements which had been brandished during a press conference by the public prosecutor of Toulouse last June as quasi-irrefutable proof of the guilt of Cédric Jubillar have indeed been slashed by new analyzes and investigations.

Contrary to what the prosecutor had announced, the famous quilt on which Delphine Jubillar slept was not in the washing machine when the gendarmes arrived at the couple’s home, had declared last week to the Figaro Me Emmanuelle Franck, one of Cédric’s lawyers. This duvet, on December 16, 2020, was in reality still on the sofa on which Delphine Jubillar slept, as evidenced by a photo taken by the gendarmes, precise to the Figaro Me Alary. The duvet in question was not found in the washing machine until December 17, 34 hours after the first arrival of the investigators.

The pedometer argument is also undermined. During the June press conference, the prosecutor indicated that Cédric Jubillar had taken only 40 steps to look for his wife, while the in-depth analysis of this pedometer revealed that he had actually taken 300, which, according to the minutes, corresponds to 200 meters, specifies Me Franck.

Finally, the mystery around the mobile phone of the main suspect, which had turned off and then turned on the night of Delphine’s disappearance, also seems to be cleared up. According to Me Jean-Baptiste Alary, Cédric confided to the investigators that, while he was walking his dogs and playing Game Of Throneshis laptop would have simply turned off.

Despite everything, for the lawyers of the husband, the file remainsempty“. According to the defense, it contains only “clues of context and circumstances» and not «serious and concordant cluesproving that Cédric Jubillar could have participated in the disappearance of his wife.

The elements that still question

However, certain elements continue to question the investigators. This is particularly the case with the testimony of the couple’s son, Louis, 7 years old. While Cédric Jubillar’s lawyers assure that the little boy, because of his young age, is unable to tell the difference between a potential argument that took place on the day of Delphine’s disappearance and a subsequent quarrel, the judges would have assured that t had been shown that Louis knew perfectly how to decorrelate the evening of his mother’s disappearance from the other disputes that had emerged in the Jubillar couple in the past. Louis would have specified that his parents, during this argument, were “between the couch and the tree», Reports The Parisian . This provides investigators with a temporal detail. “This does not hold since Louis adds that he heard ‘since it is like that, we are going to separate’, when the couple was already in the process of divorce», objects to the Figaro Me Jean-Baptiste Alary.

The exact role of Séverine is also still intriguing. According to Me Jean-Baptiste Alary, she would have met Cédric’s fellow prisoner four times. However, this Tuesday, January 11 on BFMTV, Séverine again hammered home that she had never taken this prisoner to the farm mentioned by Cédric as the place where Delphine’s body would be. “It was just black humor“, she added. However, the investigators remain attentive to the relationship between Cédric and Séverine, the latter having, according to The Parisian , exchanged several times via a secret code. Information confirmed at Figaro by Me Alary, who emphasizes that it is only a question of “messages with carnal and amorous connotations» and where Cédric Jubillar «say what he thinks of the investigators and their work“, but “reveals absolutely nothing about the case“.

A case without corpse or confession

In this file without corpse or confession, the investigators of the research section of the gendarmerie tirelessly pursue their research in the field. More than a year after the disappearance, a cell dedicated to these investigations remains active, according to a source familiar with the matter.

A year to the day after the disappearance of Delphine Jubillar, the new companion of Cédric Jubillar, Séverine, had been placed in police custody. She was later released without being charged. The gendarmes thought she might have information on the whereabouts of the nurse’s body. Shaken by this police custody, this 44-year-old woman said Thursday that she still supported her companion, but that she could not help but doubt, admitting “not being 100% sure of one’s innocence“.

Cédric and Delphine Jubillar were in the process of divorce when, on the night of December 15 to 16, 2020, she mysteriously disappeared from their house in Cagnac-les-Mines, in full curfew. Shortly before this tragedy, Cédric Jubillar had learned that his wife had a lover and was planning to start a new life with him.

On Saturday January 9, a mass in homage to Delphine Jubillar was celebrated in the Sainte-Cécile cathedral in Albi, on the initiative of her older sister, Stéphanie, as well as friends. The ceremony brought together around 100 people.

According to his lawyers, Cédric Jubillar will be heard again soon concerning the accusations made by one of his cell neighbors in Seysses prison, relayed in the press, to whom the husband allegedly claimed that he killed his wife and buried her body. .




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