This unfortunate little canine was not spared by life. He suffered the eccentricities of an unloving master, which left him with psychological scars. Fortunately, thanks to the benevolence of the volunteers who now take care of him, he is slowly regaining his confidence.
roger, by his nickname, is a 6-year-old Chinese Crested Dog who had never seen the pleasures of life until then. He spent his entire life locked in a cage outside the house. He was only allowed to go out in the garden once a day for a period of time that allowed him just to relieve himself.
He had many congeners, but they underwent the same treatment, so that he never crossed paths with them. A report saved the unfortunate man. An investigator from the RSPCA moved and ordered the seizure of the canines, which were entrusted to various associations for the protection of animal welfare.
rogerhe was transferred to Ashley Heath Animal Center located at Ringwoodin the county of Hampshirein England where the volunteers give him their full attention.
Ashley Heath Animal Center
Relearn everything and gain confidence
If upon arrival roger had no physical injuries related to physical abuse, he was nevertheless extremely scarred by his past life. The poor child had learned nothing. So he didn’t know how to walk on a leash, didn’t know the rules of a home since he had never entered it or even his name.
Otherwise, roger has developed behavioral problems, especially towards other dogs that he considers a threat.
The shelter’s volunteers and dog trainers have therefore spent a lot of time training and gaining the trust of roger. With patience and kindness, the little doggie was able to surpass himself. “When trained, he prefers praise to food rewards and his pretty face lights up with a cheerful expression as soon as he hears the words ‘good boy'”a spokesperson told the Mirror.
Ashley Heath Animal Center
Today, roger is transformed. He shows gratitude and shows his affection for his rescuers. “His caregivers love spending time with him especially when he is snuggled up to them”mentioned the shelter in the description sheet.
From now on, roger is looking for masters who will bring him the attention and love he deserves. There is still a long way to go before he is totally on his feet, but with tenderness and perseverance, he will become a perfect traveling companion.
Read also: Without news of their stolen dog for 5 years, a family sees hope with a police publication on social networks
Ashley Heath Animal Center