Argument analysis
By Amy Howe
on 24 Mar 2025
At. 14.15
The judges heard arguments in Louisiana v. Callais Monday, the first case of their March session. (Katie Barlow)
It was not clear by oral arguments on Monday how the Supreme Court will meet a challenge to Louisiana’s latest Redistricting plan. The state and a group of black voters ask the judges to reintroduce a congress card, adopted by the Louisiana legislator last year, creating another majority-black district. A federal court threw the card out and accepted a group of voters describing themselves as “non-African American” that the new map was a constitutional racial gerrymander-that means the sorted voters primarily based on race.
Several of the Court’s Conservative Justices expressed skepticism about the map and whether the 2022 decision, which Louisiana trusted to justify the creation of another majority-black district in the state, was actually correct, but it was unclear whether these concerns would be enough to maintain the lower court’s decision.
The court’s decision, which is expected at the end of June or early July, can have significant consequences not only for Louisiana, but also for other states trying to balance compliance with the voting law and redistricting. And with Republicans who have only a slim majority in the House of Representatives, the court’s decision can affect the balance of power there.
The Dispute Road to the Supreme Court Monday was a circuit. After the census of 2020, Louisiana needed to draw a new card for her six congress districts. Although about one-third of the state’s population is black, the card contained by the legislator adopted by 2022, only one majority-black district.
A group of black voters challenged this card and argued that it diluted the voices of black residents. A federal court agreed that the probably violated section 2 of the Voting Rights Act prohibiting electoral practices resulting in a denial or abbreviation of the voting rights. It instructed the state to draw a new card with another majority-black district and prevented the state from using the existing card.
The US Appeals Court for the 5th Circuit maintained this decision and instructed Louisiana to draw a new card before January 15, 2024. Without a new card at that time, the appeal court said, the Tingle would hold a lawsuit and, if necessary, adopt a card for the 2024 election.
The legislature drew up a new map, known as SB 8, with another majority-black district beginning in the northwest corner of the state near Shreveport and extending 250 miles southeast towards Baton Rouge.
The “non-African American” voters then challenged SB 8. A federal court with three judge issued that the establishment of the second majority-black district was a constitutional racial gerrymander, preventing the state from using the card in the 2024 election.
A split Supreme Court set the three-judge court’s decision in May in May, which allowed the state to use the card during the 2024 election, and in November it set the appeal of the state and the black voters to argument.
Benjamin Aguinaga, Louisiana’s Attorney General, told the judges on Monday morning that his state “would rather not be here.” It had been caught, he claimed, between “two parties with diametrically opposite views” about what the new card should look like. Following the challenge of the 2022 map, he explained, the state was facing the possibility that a federal court would draw a card that forced two high-profile Republican established corporate speakers for the house Mike Johnson and Julia Tetlow, sitting in the powerful house certificate committee-out of Embed. To avoid this scenario, he said, the state pulled its own card instead.
Justice Clarence Thomas was the first of several justices to push Aguinaga and the other advocates of whether the decision of the Tingle of the Ting Robinson Litigation was a sound, so the state was entitled to trust it to create another majority-black district.
Aguinaga insisted that it was. “A rational state,” he emphasized, “will run with exactly” what the court instructed it to do.
Justice Samuel Alito Chimede in and asked Aguinaga what would happen if Robinson The order was “clearly wrong.”
Aguinaga admitted that an “extremely unusual” case could arise in which the lower court’s decision was “wildly wrong”, but he maintained that a case in which the lower court’s decision was simply wrong would be “more difficult to challenge” because it would essentially mean that the reduced court’s decision. And in any case he added that the “non-African American” voters had not argued that Robinson The order was wrong.
Justice Sonia Sotomayor jumped into Aguinaga’s side and observed that the “non-African American” voters had instead claimed that because Louisiana was trying to comply with the judgment and voting law law, Race was the primary factor issued when it drew the new card.
Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson said she was amazed why it would do something Robinson The order was correct. She expressed concern about the Supreme Court who tried to decide in a case like this, about a lower court’s decision not directly before them was wrong. The Supreme Court is traditionally limited to considering only decisions that are appealed and directly informed to them.
Justice Elena Kagan was just as questionable and asked if she and her colleagues were “truly able to tackle” about Robinson The order was correct. “We had the opportunity to” take up that case, she noticed, but “let it go.” And she continued, the “non-African American” voters’ brief was “not provided the idea that Robinson was wrong. “” At one point, “she said,” a state takes his loss and decides to “get on with things.” “The Supreme Court has repeatedly indicated, she said states should have the” breathing room “in redistricting.
Justice Neil Gorsuch suggested the state not to be able to trust Robinson Decision because it was not a final decision on the benefits, but instead only decisions on whether to submit a preliminary order. He characterized the situation as “slightly awkward” that claims to Robinson The decision did not have a “binding effect.”
Sotomayor emphasized that the Supreme Court had previously stated that when states try to comply with section 2, the new map that results in, “essentially process” the prior violation of section 2.
Kagan agreed. In her view, sometime Robinson The order gave Louisiana good reason to believe that section 2 had been violated, the only question was one of a means. She asked, “What’s wrong with that?” If the state did not essentially relate to a violation of section 2, she concluded: “The state has no respiratory room.”
Aguinaga acknowledged that the black voters in Robinson Litigation had delivered a card that also contained two majority-black districts. The only reason the state left this card, he claimed, was to protect the state’s high -profile Republican established. The court has made it clear that the redistricting of political reasons is healthy.
Edward Greim, who represented the “non-African American” voters, opposed the state “always says it wants to protect established.” And politics “only matters,” he continued because the state “accepted another majority-black district.” And there was no evidence in the post in this case, he emphasized how the state addressed the violation. “The whole of their argument was the mere existence of Robinson“Means that the district can survive review.
But Chief Justice John Roberts complained that the resulting second majority-black district was too strangely shaped to pass pattern. It “runs from one end of the state to the other,” he said. Stuart Naifeh, who represented the black voters who challenged the 2022 card, insisted that “politics is the only reason” that Louisiana chose the current card. But Roberts asked this point, “You think race was not the basis of this district,” Roberts said skeptically. It goes from one side of the state to the other, “to pick up black populations.”
Gorsuch repeated this concern. He told Naifeh that they had been offered a card with a compact district, but “Louisiana chose a snake.” The state “did not have good reason to draw this district,” Gorsuch insisted. Later, he emphasized that although “certain politics played a role” on the state’s map, Race had also incorporated on the map. “How,” Gorsuch asked, “we squarely squarely with the 14th amendment promise that race should not play any role in our laws?”
Naifeh argued that race was only a consideration by drawing the card. According to the Supreme Court’s decision last election period Alexander v. South Carolina Conference of Naacphe said, the “non-African American” voters were obliged to provide evidence of “Disentangle Race and Politics,” but they couldn’t do it. And, he said, it is obliged to consider the population, not geography.
Justice Brett Kavanaugh pressed a point he made in a simultaneous statement from 2023 in another Redistricting case from Alabama: Should there be a “logical endpoint” where section 2 of the Voting Rights Act no longer applies to race-based redistricting requirements?
Naifeh opposed the violation of section 2, which is related to what is currently happening with voting practices, rather than an effort to tackle the wrong of the past. It was not to be tied, he claimed, to an “artificial end point.”
Greim opposed Kavanaugh’s proposal that the court could not consider this question because his clients had not raised it sufficiently. Greim maintained that the question “was not ours to be forfeited.” But in any case, he added the decision in Robinson The decision shows that section 2 no longer performs the function it was assigned. “
At the end of the argument, Aguinaga called on the judges to turn the decision of the three judging district court and told them that Louisiana would not “be back here” for the Supreme Court “in the fall”, “to defend a new card against a new challenge.” When he draws the 2024 card, he emphasized the state, which depended on the “respiratory room”, as the Supreme Court’s cases promise. “And if this court holds otherwise,” he concluded, “then respectfully don’t know what this court’s voting case means.”
This article was originally published on Howe on the field.