For Loco, retirement was not easy. This 12-year-old Bull Terrier, deprived of love and care in his previous life, was the subject of an intervention by an animal protection association in Bordeaux (33). Since then, his everyday life has not been the same.
Last month volunteers from the Girondine association Venus went to the bed of a neglected and unhappy dog: LocoA Bull terrier 12 years old abandoned by his former mistress. She no longer wanted to keep it.
A dog deprived of care and love
” Poor Loco was tied up outside. He had incredibly long claws. He was not treated, without even a health record… In short, an animal exposed to more negligence… “Remember Laurent Blanchard Talouco-founder of the association.
What age group do you belong to?
Do you have one or more dogs in your household?
Do you have one or more cats in your household?
During the last 12 months, how many times have you taken your dog/cat to the vet?
When you think of food manufacturers or brands of dog or cat food products, what are the 3 brands that come to mind?
What names of dog/cat food manufacturers or brands of food products do you know?
Which brands do you buy for your dog or cat? (many possible answers)
In your opinion, what are the 5 most important criteria for a food product/brand for your dog/cat?
Do you know Virbac’s VETERINARY HPMⓇ hernias?
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What is your overall rating for VETERINARY HPMⓇ Hernias? What overall score do you give to the kibbles you give your pet?
(1 to 10, 1 being the worst score and 10 being the best score)
After your use, how do you rate these VETERINARY HPMⓇ Hernias based on these different criteria? After your use, how do you rate the bites you give your animal on these different criteria?
(1 to 10, 1 being the worst score and 10 being the best score)
My grade:
My grade:
My grade:
My grade:
My grade:
My grade:
My grade:
My grade:
My grade:
My grade:
My grade:
My grade:
My grade:
My grade:
My grade:
My grade:
How did you get these VETERINARY HPMⓇ Hernias in 2022? How did you get the kibble you gave your pet in 2022?
Choose a maximum of 3 options AND a MINIMUM of 1
When you shop for food at the vet, you must…
Do you have a regular food delivery subscription?
What are the 3 main criteria that make you stay loyal to a product/food brand for your pet?
REMARKS if you have any
Do you agree to receive information about your animal’s health from the Virbac partner?
Taken to a vet in the Bordeaux region, Loco submitted ” a state of thinness “important. He remains, despite his past, a dog. calm “without” conduct disorder “. THAT Bull terrier The senior then came to the association’s crisis centre Venuswhere he was looked after and pampered by the volunteers.
The meeting that changes everything
Due to the age of Loco and stereotypes related to his race, members of Venus had little hope that he would find a family… Still, Evevolunteer in the association, already had a big soft spot for this dog” super cute and very cool “.
“ It really caught my eye, she confides 30 million friends. His story touched me. I wanted to offer him a sweet end to life. His former mistress said he was not ok with other animals. Well, not at all! He gets along well with my other dogs. He is adorable with children. It’s a cream. »
Read also: Last chance for rescue: a dedicated association changes the fate of 6 retired sled dogs (video)
Today, Loco ” flow happy days in his new family, far from his old life. Eve Glad to have given it a try. ” Old dogs, and especially dogs of this breed, do not attract crowds to shelters. There are fewer requests than for other dogs. However, it is a real pleasure to have him among us. “, she concludes.
By Maria Anki Web editor
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