Spécialisé en droit des affaires, le cabinet DJS Avocats a pris le virage des nouvelles technologies. Thanks to the strong synergy between the teams, the lawyers propose a 360° support.
“DJS Avocats is a law firm that supports companies with strong technological and innovative dimensions”, explains Me David Smadja, founder and associate of the DJS Avocats cabinet. Spécialiste en droit des affaires, l’avocat intervenere tant en conseil qu’en contentieux. Acquisitions, cessions de titres de société, operations de haut de bilan, levées de Fonds, restructurations de capital de sociétés, dispositifs d’intéressement des salariés et mandataires sociaux (emission de BSPCE, AGA) or encore pacter d’actionnaires, David Smadjas, accompany your clients in each of the most important phases of their projects.
A multidisciplinary team
L’avocat en droit des affaires s’est entouré d’une équipe pluridisciplinaire pour accompagnant les start-ups, PME, ETI, Grands groupes mais also shareholders, investors and dirientes dans chacune de Leur problématique juridique.
We Camille Smadja, avocate associate, dirige l’équipe droit social. Elle intervient tant en conseil (contracts de travail, statut des cadres dirientes, rémuneration, CSE, accords collectifs, procédures disciplinaryaires, audit sociaux, restructurations, PSE) qu’en contentieux dans le cadre de litiges individuals ou collectifs.
Me David-Joseph Atias, avocat associé arrived at the cabinet in September 2022, is an amplifier of DJS Avocat’s dimension of IT. He assists clients with the implementation of complex and innovative digital projects, especially in connection with online services (outsourcing, SaaS, license, software), electronic commerce BtoB, BtoC or CtoC and protection of character data personnel. It also deals with the set of legal issues linked to the feasibility, creation and exploitation of platforms, online services and social networks.
Un accompaniement des start-ups à haut potential
Thanks to their innovative approach to commercial law and the perfect synergy between different departments, the associate lawyers and partners of DJS Avocats make it a point of honor to build pragmatic and personal solutions. “Our customers are accompanied step by step at every key development stage of their project”, stresses Me David Smadja. The responsiveness and availability of associates and collaborators are the other strengths of the cabinet.
DJS Avocats, which is committed to supporting high-potential start-ups and helping them develop, particularly through partnerships with Station F and ESSEC. « We ensure a permanent presence in zone Expert de la station F to share our expertise with startups and answer their specific legal questions, stresses Me David Smadja. At L’ESSEC we organize coaching sessions and workshops to help students and graduates develop their projects. »
In permanent contact with companies at the Pointe de la technology, DJS afocats aussi mis en place des tools technologiques afin de facilitaire la gestion des relations medec les clients. The capacity for innovation in the cabinet specializing in commercial law is not ready to stop there.
DJS Avocats:
Website: https://djs-avocats.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/djs-avocats/
Address: 5 Rue Lincoln, 75008 Paris