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Ecodistricts ready for massification

Lyrical accents did not fail to point out the new roadmap for eco-districts, on December 14 in the Ministry of Ecological Transformation. “Longer, stronger, more beautiful”lit Florian Bercault, President of the National Commission Ecoquartier and Mayor of Laval. “More sustainable”added Olivier Klein, housing minister and host of the annual label awards ceremony.

The end of the four stages

An era ends: the 65 eco-districts certified in 2022 are for the last time divided into four subgroups corresponding to their degree of maturity. The analysis of the 25 operations ready to start, holders of the “stage 2” mark, confirms the diversity of profiles: “18 urban renewal operations and six transformations of wastelands from 10 metropolitan regions”, explains Stéphanie Dupuy-Lyon, general manager development , housing and nature.

Marking the new era, these 25 are divided into four major challenges: six for sobriety, six for resilience, seven for inclusion and six for value creation. These four themes structure the 20 commitments that the eco-districts that the state has labeled must now respond to. The new network, presented on December 14, provides access to two labels, dedicated to “delivered” or “experienced” operations.

The two national champions coming from the ceremony, coming from a priority district in an ordinary city and a mountain city, confirm the diversity of profiles: Tours (Indre-et-Loire) and Volonne (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence) stand out from the batch from the 2022 vintage under the old phase 4, which coincides with the new “lived” brandreserved for those who can provide feedback.


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