Thursday, December 12, 2024
HomeInsuranceEthical home insurance for the ecological transition

Ethical home insurance for the ecological transition

Guaranteeing a “reliable, ethical and transparent” offering, Prunelle aims to make the insurance sector a key player in the fight against climate change. This 100% digital new insurance, which already counts many pre-registrations, is preparing to launch its offer before the end of the year. Co-founder of the project, Flavie Rollin returns, for ID, to the issues of this sector.

You start from the fact that by investing in traditional home insurance, the policyholders contribute directly to global warming. Why ?

Many policyholders do not know this, but the money that the French pay for their insurance is largely used to finance the sectors that are the origin of climate regulationsuch as fossil fuels. According to a report by AMF and ACPR, insurance companies invested more than 48 billion euros in the gas, oil and coal sectors in 2020.

Paying for insurance means financing the increase in risks one is insured against.

This situation is a true vicious circle: insurance companies finance sectors that accelerate global warming, which itself is the cause of the multiplication and intensification of natural disasters. Ironically, we policyholders pay to be protected from these disasters. This is nonsense, by paying for traditional insurance we are therefore financing the increase in the risks we insure against. With insurance, we really have the attitude of an incendiary fireman, as on the one hand we put out fires and on the other hand we light them.

The other thing is that the insurance sector is one of the most important financiers of our economy. Through his choices, he contributes to a large extent to shaping the world we will live in tomorrow. And our conviction at Prunelle is that this money can be used differently and adapted to the challenges of our century.

Making these issues known to the public is therefore a big challenge in your opinion?

Of course. I am committed to empowering people to make a choice. But for this it is important to present the facts concretely to the insured. From then on we can tell them: “this is the current situation and this is the alternative we propose”. The challenge is not so much to tell everyone “come to Prunelle” as to make this problem known and show that there is a solution to it.

At the end of the year, we communicate about the money that is not used for reimbursement of damages, the insured can then vote for the project or association of their choice, so that the money is donated to the person they care about. most.

What does Prunelle do for organic home insurance?

First of all, it is important to understand that when a insurance collects the money from the policyholders, this amount is invested while it waits to be used to reimburse claims.

At Prunelle, we promise two things:

– The policyholders’ money is kept in effect accounts. It is more precisely at NEF, a banking cooperative that only finances environmental, social and cultural projects, that our members’ money is kept. Every year this organization publishes an exhaustive list of all the projects that have been financed, which makes it possible to know concretely the sectors that will be financed: soft mobility, low-carbon agriculture, waste management… the list is long.

– At the end of the year, we communicate about the money that is not used for reimbursement of damages. The insured can then vote for the project or association of their choice, so that the money is donated to the one that is most important to them.

Basically, insurance is a good principle: it is a solidary tool at the service of a society that protects each other mutually. Prunelle’s ambition is to start from this vocation and adapt it to the challenges of our time by creating a digital insurance that is binding, simple and close at the same time.

What guarantees do you offer to assure members that they will be well protected and reimbursed in the event of an injury?

The guarantees offered by Prunelle are among the highest on the market and allow each policyholder to benefit from optimal protection against the risks they run.

On the other hand, we have established a partnership with a long-standing mutual insurer, Groupama Rhône-Alpes Auvergne, who assumes the role of risk bearer. If the compensation amount should exceptionally exceed the contribution amount, this would thus not constitute a reimbursement problem.

At Prunelle, we assume that we cannot do everything alone: ​​we have partners who honor our commitment and who accept it without concessions. Today, we are a structure that is as reliable as it is committed, and we must now anchor this new model ofecological insurance in the French countryside!



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