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Faced with the rise of the far right, young people ready to lead the way

Paris, report

At the exit of the République metro station in Paris, a few drops mix with the scent of braised sausages, which perfume the Parisian main square. The good spirits of the protesters seem to scare away the threat of a heavy downpour. However, it is an intense week of political twists and turns that is coming to an end. If the relief of a – shuddering – left-wing union is noticeable on everyone’s faces, we rejoice nonetheless. With the early general election, the far right has never been so close to power.

At the same time as the accelerated election campaigns, the interdisciplinary movement – including three student unions – called for a massive meeting. If the National Assembly becomes predominantly far-right, a first under the 5th Republic, all lights are green to see Jordan Bardella grab the keys to government.

Only 28 years old, the chairman of RN would thus become the youngest prime minister that a French government has known. However, the protesters met in the procession hardly seem to be aware of his age. For them, he is above all the heir to a party where some of the founders are former French Waffen fighters.SS — a particularly fanatical military branch of the Nazi regime.

Fear, fear, anger… All emotions mixed in the streets of Paris this Saturday, June 15. The union managed to gather 250,000 people (75,000 according to the police). Among them were many young people under the age of 30. Reporters asked them the question: what do you fear if the far right wins the general election on July 7 ?

Célia, 22 years old: “ According to some, I could never be French because I am not blonde with blue eyes »

Celia: “ It is too easy to find scapegoats like immigrants. »
© Nnoman Cadoret / Reporters

Her green chasuble clashes with the dark colors of the rest of her outfit. Along with his Oxfam comrades, a NGO fight against inequalities, Célia came from Noisy-le-Sec to express her dismay. I counted the ballots last Sunday in 93. Den RN came second… » If it works here and now, it’s because hate is not the solution to difficulties ».

It’s too easy to find scapegoats, like immigrants. I am French of Algerian origin, engineering student. According to some, I could never be French because I’m not blonde with blue eyes… »

Cyrille, 21 years old: “ We make the connection between social struggle and the fight for the climate. If RN passes, nothing is done »

Cyril: “ We are witnessing a major breakdown in racism. »
© Nnoman Cadoret / Reporters

It is not for its density that the Action Justice Climate collective stands out. Using a bicycle, the group of young environmentalists carries a sound system and broadcasts songs with techno rhythms. At the front, a few members of the collective grasp a large banner, their eyes more serious. Among them, Cyrille testifies: We are witnessing a major breakdown in racism. In the neighboring town where I come from, I saw leaflets circulating “Stop the blacks in Chatou” addressed to the mayor. »

For the young 21-year-old student as for her classmates, if RN passes, nothing is done [pour l’environnement]. At Action Justice Climate, however, we create the connection between social struggle and the fight for the climate ». According to the one who later wants to publish political works, the arrival of the far right will reach everyone. Personally, I am a woman, I am bisexual, I fear for myself. The far right attacks all minorities. »

Eda, 16 years old: “ I don’t want to live in a country with fascists »

Eda came with her family to demonstrate against the far right.
© Nnoman Cadoret / Reporters

Next to her father, who is chatting with friends he meets on the sidelines of the procession, Eda looks excitedly at the protesters parading before her eyes. It was with his family that the 16-year-old high school student held his first demonstrations. Eda appreciates these moments. We also had a blockade at Voltaire high school to call for a fight against the far right. I don’t want to live in a country with fascists. »

In addition to his opposition to the values ​​which RNshe is already worried about the next reform of Parcoursup galley ». With Afelnet [qui fonctionne de pair avec Parcoursup] and if RN happens, it becomes even more difficult to get into a school that we like »worries the young brunette, who sees herself entering a design school after her matriculation.

Ilias, 23 years old: “ We also have a break with the new People’s Front »

Ilias joined the procession of a collective in support of the Palestinian people.
© Nnoman Cadoret / Reporters

Sitting on a bench, Ilias awaits the arrival of the procession of the Urgence Palestine collective. The 23-year-old boy carries a Palestinian flag on his shoulders. The day after October 7, demonstrations were systematically banned. We are already on the downward slope »he said.

Anyone who presents himself as an Arab and a practicing Muslim does not consider himself to be the most pitiable. I live in the 18th arrondissement: I am one of the privileged, I am less likely to go through identity checks than in other districts in 93, I know that. » For Ilias, politically engaged, this is the time to express his opposition to these policies, which make him fear for his freedoms. But there we also have a break with New People’s Front. And we support him 100% %. »

Ezia, Vadim, Sofia, Louka and Manès, high school students: “ THAT RN in power it is dangerous in many respects »

Sofia, Manès, Louka, Ezia and Vadim. Two of the boys pose with three fingers on their hand extended downwards, referring to the anti-fascist symbol on SFIOtaken up today by groups such as the Young Guard.
© Nnoman Cadoret / Reporters

The high school union members aged 15 to 17 could not imagine missing the gathering. Among them, the leader of Manès Nadel naturally stands out. In March 2023, the young man made himself known to the public and the media as the voice of high school students during the demonstrations against the pension reform. For Ezia, THAT RN in power it is dangerous for many aspects… As a woman, as a racialized person, etc. ». According to the young woman, the country is already in the grip of fascism: Look at the immigration law ! »

The event in pictures:



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