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HomeCatsFeed animals on the street? Watch out for the fine!

Feed animals on the street? Watch out for the fine!

If you didn’t know, it is illegal to feed animals on the street, those designated as strays.

For a while, a stray cat is squatting in front of your house and you have therefore decided to feed him? While this is commendable, be aware that this is actually prohibited by French law in certain departments. effectively, feeding animals on the street, and this also includes birds, are not allowed, depending on where you live. Everyone does it, but it actually risks getting a hefty fine.

More than 11 million stray cats in France

Currently in France there are more than 11 million stray cats. A stray cat is a cat that does not have an owner beforehand. In general, most stray cats are considered strays. Because yes, if you don’t know, if you let your cat wander, it is considered wandering.

And specifically, this is prohibited by law, as is the case for a dog. In this case, a pound can reclaim the stray animal. We say an animal is wandering if it is not more within vision and voice by its owner.

Stray cats, prone to malnutrition and to diseases, are more and more. The reason is placed on cat owners who let their animals wander and who do not resort to sterilization. At the moment is sterilization is the best way to reduce the number of stray “alley” cats.

Identification, i.e. tattooing and chipping, are also recommended to avoid wandering. Also, be aware that identification of a cat is now mandatory, precisely for this reason and to make the owners responsible.

Specifically, if your animal is chipped, it is not really considered a stray since it has an owner registered with ICAD. If it is found, the town hall, the pound or a vet should therefore be able to return the animal to you.

SEE ALSO: “Paratrooper syndrome”: watch out for your cat!

It is forbidden to feed animals on the street in certain departments

But the fact is that there are many cats and kittens on the street. If you love animals, you may be tempted to feed them by offering them a bowl of pellets. But know that it is prohibited in certain placeseven if it seems unfair.

In any case, it is forbidden to feed animals in the street, but only in certain municipalities. On this side of the law, each town hall has a choice. Or rather, each department, since it is generally one the department’s health regulations who controls this.

For example, in Article 120 of the Sarthes RSD, we can read this: “It is forbidden to throw away or deposit seed or food in all public places to attract stray, wild or returned animals, especially cats or pigeons; the same prohibition applies to private roads, yards or other parts of a building when this practice risks being a nuisance to the neighborhood or attracting rodents.

And that is also the case in city ​​of Roanne. The municipality has decided to punish people who feed stray and wild animals due to the increase in faeces associated with this food.

This therefore includes stray dogs, stray cats, but also pigeons, ducks, hedgehogs… In short, all wild and stray animals. According to Le Figaro, the fine is steep for the residents of this city. ONE fine of 450 euros maximum.

To find out if your city allows street feeding, we encourage you to call your city hall. This is the safest way to be sure of the applicable legislation.

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