Tuesday, March 18, 2025
HomeCatsFor several days the kitten hides among a pile of logs, people...

For several days the kitten hides among a pile of logs, people show up, determined to change his world

For days a kitten hid among a pile of logs. Friendly people appeared, determined to change their world.


A concerned community member heard cries coming from an alley and discovered a gray tabby hiding in a pile of logs. The kitten had wedged itself into the pile and refused to come out.

The finder began leaving out food in hopes of luring the kitten out of hiding. She remained hidden and only ventured far enough to eat.

The kitten cried for her mother for four days, but her mother never returned. The finder reached out to his community for help in bringing the little one to safety.

kitten save logsShe was found alone, hidden in a pile of logsThriftedKittensAnimalRescue

“Two of our volunteers, Haley and Sarah, saw the post in a neighborhood Facebook group and immediately went to help,” Thrifted Kittens Animal Rescue shared with Love Meow.

“Thankfully they were able to move the tree and bring the little kitten to safety.”

stray kittensThriftedKittensAnimalRescue

Once freed from its predicament, the kitten changed almost instantly.

She found comfort in the arms of her rescuers, leaning into their hands as they gently caressed her. After days of living in fear, her crying stopped as she absorbed the affection she had longed for.

kitten held in armsHaley and Sarah rushed to rescue the kittenThriftedKittensAnimalRescue

“The kitten is understandably terrified after the ordeal. She will never be cold or hungry again.”

They put her under their jacket to keep her warm and calm. The kitten melted into their embrace, her fear gone. Volunteers quickly secured a foster home, giving her a safe place to start over.

kitten hidden under the jacketFriday finally felt safe and warm with his rescuersThriftedKittensAnimalRescue

Within days the kitten, named Friday, emerged from its shell and really thrived. She was delighted to have food available all day, lots of toys to throw and fight with, a cat tree to scale and the company of her human and furry friends.

She filled out quickly, her fur became soft and shiny, and her energy level increased.

kitten gray fetusFriday has blossomed into a happy, playful house catThriftedKittensAnimalRescue

After getting lost outdoors, Friday decided to never be alone again. She clung to her mates and basked in their affection.

Her rescuers may never know how she ended up alone, but now she spends her days as a beloved indoor cat, surrounded by loving people and friends.

kitten friendsShe enjoys the company of her furry friendsThriftedKittensAnimalRescue

Friday enjoys playing “tetherball” at the cat post and constantly amuses his people with his silly antics. She is fascinated by the clock on the table and watches the hands move as if she is on a mission.

When they saw how much she blossomed in her foster home, they were sure that the perfect family would soon find her.

playful kitten happyShe is very playful and curious about everything that movesThriftedKittensAnimalRescue

Thanks to her compassionate rescuers, Friday was saved from an uncertain future. She found courage in her foster home and learned to get along with other animals. She blossomed into a pampered house cat and wouldn’t have it any other way.

A family fell head over heels for the sweet kitten and welcomed her into their loving home.

kitten happily adoptedFriday found her forever familyThriftedKittensAnimalRescue

Once a frightened little soul hiding among a pile of logs, she now sleeps peacefully in her cozy bed in her forever home, dreaming of her next adventure.

sleeping kitten happyHappy and lovedThriftedKittensAnimalRescue

Share this story with your friends. More rescued cats and kittens like Friday at Thrifted Kittens Animal Rescue on Instagram and Facebook.

Related story: Cat curls up between couple after 848 days of wanting a home since he was just a kitten



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