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HomeCatsFormer paramedic, she becomes a dog and cat groomer in Sainte-Bazeille

Former paramedic, she becomes a dog and cat groomer in Sainte-Bazeille

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Marion Ducos (right), dog and cat groomer in Sainte-Bazeille, with one of her loyal customers. ©The Republican 47

Since 2022, Marion Ducos has boarded at his home in Sainte-Bazeille (Lot-et-Garonne), in care for dogs and cats. This old one paramedic and stretcher bearer To Marmande hospital 35 years old, decided to take the plunge to do a job that fascinates her and gives her more time.

“I decided to reorient myself to have less time pressure and to be able to enjoy my family life”.

A self-training

Here it is now a year where Marion grooms dogs and catsprimarily acquaintances, and now other customers through word of mouth.

I trained myself, watched videos and trained animals from my family or friends.

Marion Ducos

But for eight months, she is trained in dog and cat care at Marmande CFA to improve his skills and is currently taking his exams.

An education where I put all my savings, €7,500, in addition to the €5,000 I spent on equipment to equip myself “.

A training in which 17 students aged 18 to 52 participate.

Marion is obliged to buy “ French or local products, more responsible and healthier for the animal, organic or sensible cosmetics, healthy for the environment. I also use filtered well water. I work in a clean way for animals and the planet”.

Videos: currently on Actu

Formed by masters

Marion also had the chance to be trained by two masters: ” I was trained by the double French grooming champion, Karine Delpy, and by Cédric Toulouse, breeding master. During my education I did my internship “Au Salon du Chien” in Villeneuve-sur-Lot with Sabrina Ben Sadok.

It is therefore today in its garage converted into a grooming salon, that Marion takes care of dogs and cats of all breeds, long or short haired.

She has even been trained to take care of NACs (New Pets) and can take care of rabbits or guinea pigs. But in any case, Marion is careful to “walk at the animal’s pace”.

I adapt to dogs and groom a maximum of four a day.

Marion Ducos

THAT breeds which she specializes in are Cotons de Tulear, spaniels, border collies or cocker spaniels, the breed on which she passes her practical exam.

Upcoming projects

Once she graduates (if all goes well), Marion will build a room in her place dedicated solely to her activity and invest in an electric table.

“I’m starting to have loyal customers, but I’m also going to advertise.”

In addition to being a groomer, Marion can keep two to three dogs at home, in crates or with her three dogs. “I can also travel to house cats in the surrounding area. »

Jerome Gajac

Grooming Pilou Poils, 265 route de Montplaisir Nord, 47180 Sainte-Bazeille. Only by appointment. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and from 14.00 to 17.30 Wednesday and Saturday from Contact Facebook and Instagram page.

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