After torturing many kittens, Damien Bendall decided to kill his partner and her three children. This American is currently incarcerated and will spend the rest of his life behind bars.
A new bad news has hit the United States. The story took place in September 2022. 31-year-old Damien Bendall had been in a relationship for two years with a woman named Terry, who decided to build his life with this man, yet “controlling and violent”. After an accepted marriage proposal, the two lovebirds settled in the heart of the small town of Killamarsh. But two years later, tragedy struck: in a fit of drug-induced dementia, Damien Bendall murdered his wife and three children.
Quickly found and arrested by the police, this unemployed man was found guilty and imprisoned for life. As the days of the trial progressed, tongues loosened. Damien Bendall has been found to fund his steady supply of hash, cocaine, morphine and methamphetamine by selling his girlfriend’s belongings, including her laptop and many of her clothes. And his criminal record spoke for itself: before his horrific murder, he had been convicted of numerous thefts and arson.
The man had tortured kittens and shot a dog with a rock
But the worst was told by one of his neighbors. The latter assured the police that he had seen Damien Bendall torture of animals, including cats and kittens, Often. This testimony agreed with another resident of the town, who assured that he had surprised this 30 in the process of killing a dog with a stone. “I always thought he was capable of killing anyone, but never a woman or children. He could fight anyone on the street. He could do stupid things, but something must have happened. I can’t understand this child murder story. I just can not”, one of his relatives testified. It is now certain that he will no longer be able to harm anyone.