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HomeInsuranceHealth insurance for couples: Choose the best coverage!

Health insurance for couples: Choose the best coverage!

Written by The Meilleurtaux editorial office .
Up to date

23 July 2024
Reading time:
6 minutes

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Mutual health insurance for couples

Taking out mutual insurance for couples gives you identical guarantees, at a reduced cost compared to two individual covers for you and your spouse. However, this type of contract is not suitable for all profiles. How much can this formula cost you? How to make the right choice? The whole point.

What is mutual insurance for couples?

ONE mutual health insurance for couples is a health insurance agreement that provides unique protection for both spouses. Specifically, the members of the couple enjoy the same guarantees for covering their health expenses. They also contribute together: this allows them to save money compared to two individual contracts.

This form of mutual insurance is particularly interesting for couple having similar health needs. Otherwise, it may be wiser to take out a subscription two separate formulas to better cover the specific needs of the individual.

I find the best health insurance

What is the average cost of mutual insurance for a couple?

The price of such mutual insurance is of course not universal. It varies depending on several criteria, such as the age of the two members and the level of guarantee chosen.

The price of couple insurance based on age

THAT average price of mutual insurance for couples increases significantly with age. With aging, health needs tend to increase. Insurance companies and mutuals take this natural phenomenon into account by increasing the contribution level of their oldest members.

The following table shows you the average price of a couple’s mutual insurance in 2024depending on the age of the members at the time of subscription:

age range Average price observed/month*
16 to 17 years €100.27
18 to 25 years €83.64
26 to 35 years €95.14
36 to 49 years €118.93
50 to 55 years €165.01
56 to 65 years €219.18
66 years and over €252.26

*Data collected by Meilleurtaux Assurances between January and May 2024.

The price of mutual insurance for couples depends on the level of guarantee

The selected level of guarantee for your health insurance agreement also determines to a large extent price of mutual insurance for couples. Higher reimbursements automatically entail an additional contribution effort on the part of both spouses.

Three to four levels of guarantee are offered by most insurance companies and mutuals:

  • “Economic” or “Substantial” scope offers minimal coverage of health expenses. For example, it reimburses the co-payment in the case of a medical consultation without covering any excess charges.
  • The “Hybrid” series provides more comprehensive coverage compared to financial mutual insurance for key positions such as opticians or dentists.
  • The “between” area is a good compromise between price and coverage. It covers most of your healthcare costs.
  • The “Reinforced” range corresponds to high-end contracts. It provides the best coverage of healthcare costs, but is also the most expensive. It includes more generous benefits, for example for excess charges, single room expenses in hospital, alternative medicine etc.

The following table shows you the average cost of mutual insurance for couples in 2024 depending on the quality of the guarantees:

Warranty level Average price observed/month*
Economic €154.56
Hybrid €224.85
Intermediate €197.58
Reinforced €268.22

*Data collected by Meilleurtaux Assurances between January and May 2024.

I find the best health insurance

Which health insurance should couples choose?

Choosing the right mutual insurance for your couple involves comparing a certain number of essential criteria. You should start by taking stock your respective health needs regarding all important warranties:

  • Routine care, community medicine and medicine.
  • Hospitalization.
  • Glasses and contact lenses.
  • Routine dental care and orthodontics.
  • Hearing aids.

Depending on your profiles, favors strengthened guarantees for the areas that concern you the most. Then carefully compare the reimbursement levels offered by each mutual insurance company. You must ensure sufficient coverage to avoid excessive out-of-pocket costs.

Other aspects, more often neglected, should finally keep your attention when choosing best mutual insurance for you and your spouse :

  • The waiting time is an initial period of a few weeks during which you will not be reimbursed for certain treatments. If you have immediate health needs, choose mutual insurance with no waiting period or with a short waiting period.
  • Carefully read any warranty exclusions found in the contract. They are likely to limit the cases where you can actually claim your refund, for example after doing an extreme sport.
  • In addition to essential guarantees, some mutual insurance companies offer additional services very useful such as telephone assistance or medical teleconsultation. Don’t hesitate to review them, they can make the difference between two contracts!

Good to know: Mutual insurance for couples and third-party payersThe availability of third-party payment in your contract is a significant advantage. This payment method allows you not to pay any costs during your consultations with healthcare professionals or when purchasing medicine. If your mutual insurance company’s coverage is complete, you don’t have to pay anything!

I find the best health insurance

How to find mutual insurance for couples?

Faced with the many offers on the market, is choosing mutual insurance for couples can be complex. There are many online tools that allow you to do that easy to compare prices and guarantees numerous family contracts. These tools, if used correctly, will help you significantly in refining your search. They will also save you valuable time.

If you would like to be supported in your research, you can call an insurance broker. This independent professional will help you compare offers and find the offer that best suits your needs.

Mutual insurance for couples: FAQ

Mutual insurance for couples: what to do if you have two different compulsory mutual insurance schemes?

Are you both employees of companies with mutual insurance with compulsory spouse membership? In this case, each member of the couple can choose to join their own mutual insurance or become eligible for their spouse’s. This also applies if you work in the same company.

What are the benefits of a couple’s mutual insurance policy?

By taking out supplementary health insurance for two, you benefit from both:

  • A reduction in contribution compared to two individual formulas.
  • Simplified day-to-day management, with a single contract for the couple.
  • Solidarity coverage. In the event of a serious health problem, each member of the couple benefits from the protection of the contract entered into together.

Can an unmarried couple benefit from the same mutual insurance policy?

Yes, civil partners or cohabiting couples can easily take out mutual insurance for couples! It is not necessary to be married or even to be connected to the same social security system.

Protect the peace of your home and your future with supplementary health insurance tailored to your needs! A good mutual insurance policy for couples can provide you with optimal coverage and exclusive benefits.


Written by
The Meilleurtaux editorial office

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