By Writes Flers
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On Monday, December 19, 2022, as night fell in the late afternoon, a resident of Condé-en-Normandie (Calvados) saw his cat return to his home… with a broken jaw.
Immediately sent to the vet, the expertise confirmed that it was indeed a blow that was received and that it is very localized. Which suggests that there was human intervention and that the cat could not have done this on its own,” reports the mistress.
No complaint filed
In this story shared on social media, the owner of the 8-month-old cat urges pet owners to be careful. This alleged attack would have taken place in the avenue in Sweden, behind the printing house Anquetil.
This story comes as the resident claims that since this summer, she and her neighbors have regularly seen “a car that accelerates when it sees animals on the street and tries to run them over.” However, no clear connection between these events can be established.
The cat’s owner has no plans to file a complaint.
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