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HomeCatsHere are the rarest cat breeds in the world

Here are the rarest cat breeds in the world

In the wide world of felines, certain cat breeds stand out for their rarity. Are you passionate about these velvet pawed felines or just curious how would you like to know the rarest cat breeds in the world?

International Cat Federation (or FIFe) And The International Cat Association (TICA) identify and regularly ranks cat breeds around the world. From the most remote corners to the most developed cities, the four corners of the globe are scrutinized to leave no species behind. With spectacular coats and unique characteristics, each cat offers a unique perspective on the endless variety of breeds. Explore this wealth by discovering the rarest cat breeds in the world. Without forgetting the list of the most expensive copies.

What are the rarest cat breeds in the world?

The list of the rarest cat breeds in the world begins with la Perm. Originally from Oregon in the USA, this cat has curly hair, which is the result of a genetic mutation. This medium-sized breed is sometimes mistakenly considered to be hypoallergenic. Kenyan Sokoke is an elegant, playful and often agile cat breed. This rare animal in France has marbled fur and prefers large open areas. The American Wirehair, which comes from the USA, was classified among the rarest cat breeds in the world in 2017. It is characterized by a curly and frizzy coat. Despite his robust appearance, he is a gentle and loving cat. Cymric, Canada and Isle of Man, is one of the tailless felines. Calm and loving, he requires special attention. The Toyger, created in the 1980s, looks like a small tiger. Recognized in France in 2016, it combines physical power and gentleness.

Which cat costs the most?

It is difficult to say for sure which breed is more expensive, as prices vary according to trends. Certain very popular cat breeds drive up prices, and variations are notable depending on origin. The Maine Coon is between €500 and €2,000while The Bengal trades between €1,500 and €3,500. The Sphynx, hairless and exciting, costs between €1,500 and €3,000And Persian, between €400 and €2,000. The Scottish foldwith folded ears, appears 600 to 1,500 €, while the British Shorthair, hairball elegant, selling between 500 and 1,500 €. The Asheracreated in the laboratory, can be acquired at a price of up to €115,000. The Savannahan elegant and playful breed, falls in between €2,500 and €7,000while the Russian Peterbald, hairless, ranges between €1,000 and €2,000.

What is the rarest cat fur?

The rarest cat fur is the fur”purple“or”lavenderThis coat has a color soft and subtle, a mix of silver gray and pink, giving the cat an almost ethereal appearance. This color is due to a specific dilution of the genes responsible for chocolate and blue coats. The lilac is particularly rare because it requires a precise genetic combination and parents who carry these diluted genes, which are often found in specific breeds such as the British Shorthair, the Chartreux and the Burmese.

What are the most desirable cats?

The most sought after cats in France include Maine Coon, Chartreux, Ragdoll, Birman and British Shorthair. The Maine Coon, with about 187,000 monthly searches, is the most popular. Next come the Chartreux (93,000 searches) and the Ragdoll (74,000 searches). In terms of price, the Ragdoll costs between €600 and €2500, the British Shorthair between €400 and €1800, and the Persian between €400 and €2000 (Weenect) (Chatmonde). In France, The Official Book of Feline Origins (LOOF) reports thousands of registrations for these breeds each year, indicating continued high demand​ (Chatmonde)​.

What are the most beautiful cat breeds in the world?

The beauty of cat breeds is often subjective, but some are unanimously recognized for their majestic and elegant appearance. Here are some of the most beautiful cat breeds in the world:

  1. Maine Coon : Known for its large size, lion’s mane and silky coat, the Maine Coon is often considered one of the most beautiful cats. His gentle features and friendly temperament add to his charm.
  2. Siamese : With its short, shiny coat, piercing blue eyes and distinctive markings on the face, ears, legs and tail, the Siamese is famous for its elegance and grace.
  3. Persian : The Persian is known for its long, thick coat, flattened face and large, round eyes. Its regal appearance and calm demeanor make it a favorite.
  4. Bengal : The Bengal looks like a small leopard and has a unique mottled or spotted coat that is both wild and beautiful. Her athletic figure and expressive eyes are also very attractive.
  5. Rag doll : Known for its captivating blue eyes and soft, silky fur, the Ragdoll has a soft, airy appearance. His relaxed and loving demeanor makes him even more attractive.
  6. Chartreux : This French cat is loved for its dense grey-blue fur and coppery orange eyes. Chartreux combines beauty and robustness with a calm, gentle personality.
  7. Sphynx : Although its lack of hair may confuse some, the Sphynx is prized for its wrinkled skin and large ears. Its soft texture and playful nature make it a unique and fascinating breed.
  8. Norwegian : Also called “Norwegian Forest Cat“, he is known for his thick, waterproof coat, lush mane and large size. His wild appearance and robust bearing are impressive.

These cat breeds stand out for their beauty, each with unique characteristics that attract cat lovers from around the world.

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