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HomeKitchenhere are the worst merguez and chipolatas sold in supermarkets, according to...

here are the worst merguez and chipolatas sold in supermarkets, according to 60 million consumers

The months of Juneof July and D’August is best to prepare a barbecue. To cook healthier food, many people now prefer to turn to more balanced barbecue recipes, such as roasted vegetables. However, grilled meat is still very popular in France.

THAT merguez and chipolatas is at this point among the most common meat choices. Economical, nutritious and easy to prepare, these cuts of meat always have a big place on our plate when it comes to preparing a barbecue. However, not all merguez and chipolatas are of good quality. This is what was recently highlighted 60 million consumers in a study.

Some merguez and chipolatas contain too much fat

Choosing merguez and chipolatas is always a challenge. The most popular option is general slaughterhouse, as the meat is often of good quality. Anyway, supermarkets also make an effort to offer good merguez and chipolatas. However, not all brands are created equal.

According to 60 million consumerssome chipolatas and merguez sold in the supermarket are too greasy, which indicates poor quality of meat. In principle, the fat content should not exceed 40% for these sausages. If this maximum rate is always respected, it is sometimes a bit too high. In other words, the manufacturers abused fat supplement to reduce production costs.

photo credit: Shutterstock A barbecue

Merguez and chipolatas from the Carrefour Simpl brand in the viewfinder 60 million consumers

The study of 60 million consumers indicates not only maximum fat levels to be respected in the production of a chipolata or a merguez. Several brands sold in supermarkets were investigated by the newspaper. He deduces that the brand’s merguez Carrefour Simple is not of good quality. The reason is an excessively high fat level.

These sausages contain 29.4 grams fat per 100 grams. To put it another way, fat represents almost 30% of these merguez. Certainly, the threshold of 40% fat is respected. But this rate remains significant and hides poor quality meat. Carrefour Simpl chipolatas have exactly the same problem. The fat percentage even rises to more than 35%.

A man prepares a barbecue

photo credit: Shutterstock A man prepares a barbecue

Merguez and chipolatas, which are too fatty, should be avoided

Problems associated with eating merguez and chipolatas too fat stand out. Manufacturers use fat to reduce costs associated with the production and distribution of products. Animal fat actually always cost less than meat. On the other hand, it is likely that the selling price will be lower.

A barbecue with friends

photo credit: Shutterstock Barbecue party with friends

However, the quality of the sausages will not hardly optimal. You shouldn’t expect to eat healthy either. In other words, it’s best to pay close attention to the brands of chipolatas and merguez sold in supermarkets. In addition to this study, always remember to look at the fat content of the sausages you buy.



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