Sunday, December 22, 2024
HomeCatsHere's why you shouldn't give these 3 foods to your cat!

Here’s why you shouldn’t give these 3 foods to your cat!

If our cats are generally curious, gluttonous and greedy by nature, they are not very spoiled in terms of food because of their rather sensitive organism. And yet, seeing us eat or cook, our little furry companions never miss an opportunity to steal from our plate or meow imploring us to give them a little bit of what we eat or prepare. By giving in to their demands, we expose them to serious risks of intoxication or illness.

The fact is that some foods are not good for them and can even pose a real danger to their health. Are you a big consumer of dairy products, chocolate or avocados and have recently decided to adopt a cat? Discover without further delay, in this article, the reasons whyyou absolutely must not give these 3 foods to your feline.

Dairy products

Cats love dairy products. But if our feline friends love to lap up the milk that we put in their bowl, to savor the cheeses, creams, yoghurts and others that we give them, this diet is not really good for them. The lactose present in these foods makes it very difficult for our little companions to digest them. Since it does not have the necessary enzymes to transform it, their organism does not tolerate this component.

Of course, at a young age, kittens are perfectly capable of digesting their mother’s milk (and cow’s milk). It is while growing up, in particular from the beginning of their weaning period, that they no longer produce enough lactase so that they become lactose intolerant. In adult cats, the ingestion of dairy products, in large quantities or in small doses at regular intervals, can cause serious digestive disorders (bloating, diarrhea, vomiting and others).


cat danger consumption chocolate

Due to its high theobromine content, chocolate is very toxic for our cats. This organic component of natural origin (in high concentrations in cocoa) is particularly harmful to our furry friends, as it can cause them serious health problems. Ingested in large quantities (or in small quantities on a regular and repeated basis), chocolate can have serious effects on felines.

Passing through the animal’s blood, theobromine will cause a number of disorders including vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, muscle tremors and cramps as well as arrhythmia. Poisoning, without prompt treatment, can be fatal. Besides chocolate, all foods containing cocoa (cakes, ice cream, etc.) should be avoided because, as you will surely have understood, they are very dangerous for your cat.

the lawyer

danger consumption avocado cat

While avocados are an excellent food for us humans due to their exceptional nutritional characteristics, these fruits are not good for our little furry friends. The fact isthey contain too much persine. This natural substance is harmful for our felines and can even poison them seriously if it is ingested in large quantities.

The intoxication can manifest itself at the beginning by shortness of breath and edema. In the event that the disorder has directly or severely damaged the animal’s cardiac system, other symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea or lethargy may appear.



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