Thursday, September 19, 2024
HomeCatsHow to make a cat lose weight?

How to make a cat lose weight?

When we have a pet, it is our duty to take good care of it and to ensure that it enjoys good health, and therefore good nutrition. How to make a cat lose weight?

It is well known, the cat is a solitary and autonomous pet, which is however not against a caress and a mark of affection from time to time. And if you thought that the simple fact of filling his bowl and reserving a small space for his litter was enough, think again! Your cat will probably want to go out and enjoy the outdoors, go for a walk on the roof or even spend time with you. In some cases, it may happen that your cat’s diet turns out to be problematic, especially if you buy him food without necessarily paying attention to what is inside his dishes: that’s it, your cat has gained weight and is overweight, and you are now asking yourself the following question: how to make him lose weight?

Make your cat lose weight, simple actions to adopt

To prevent your cat from getting too fat, or to make it lose weight if the damage has already been done, you can adopt a few simple but effective actions that will help preserve the good health of your favorite pet. Respect his natural needs and his rhythm of activity by letting him sleep when he wants. If you stubbornly want to wake him up to exercise or have fun, he will be more stressed… And will gain weight. Counterproductive effect therefore, especially since a cat who rests does so because he needs it. Prefer wet food to water in a bowl (the cat prefers flowing water to stagnant water): 70% of your cat’s water needs will be satisfied, and the risk of obesity will decrease drastically thanks to this solution.

Make your cat lose weight, an extended life expectancy

Losing weight in your cat also helps to increase its life expectancy: a healthy cat that keeps in shape will logically live longer than a sickly and obese cat. Remember to get your cat moving, and offer him games and fun activities. Spend time having fun with him, between fifteen and twenty minutes, and buy him toys (feather stick, ball, etc.) so that he doesn’t get bored and keeps in optimal shape. You can also set up a diet with your veterinarian and consider switching to low-fat kibbles for a while. Also review the amounts of food you give him, and try to stop treats, which tend to promote overweight, in humans, but also in pets!



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