Friday, January 24, 2025
HomeCats"If he's yours, I want a reward," throws a scammer at him

“If he’s yours, I want a reward,” throws a scammer at him

Aurore has lost hope of finding her cat Batman. Yet she continues to call him! “I don’t know if he’s dead, if he’s locked up somewhere…” Since December 27, the 9-month-old cat has not returned home. “Batman was just starting to come out. He didn’t follow a certain path. He would go out for 10 minutes, then he would come back,” explains Aurore. The day she disappeared, she was at work. His companion took him out several times but the last time he did not return.Since then the family has been searching for him without success…

Aurora continues to call Batman.
Aurora continues to call Batman. – DR

No one in the neighborhood has seen his cat! That is why Pont-à-Celloise has published a search notice on social networks.

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